The Board of Review of the Department of
Transportation consists of seven members
appointed by the Governor with the advice of the
Secretary and the advice and consent of the Sen-
ate for three-year terms. At least four of the sev-
en members must represent the general public.
The remaining members are required to have
knowledge and experience in one or more of the
fields under the jurisdiction of the Department of
The Board is charged with hearing and deter-
mining appeals from certain decisions of the Sec-
retary or of any administration or agency within
the Department (Code Transportation Article,
sees. 2-301 through 2-506).
Chairperson: William F. Burkley, 1980
Ex officio members: Harley P. Brinsfield, Sr„
Thomas G. Barton, lrving L. Kidwell, Garner
W. Duvall, Leslie H. Evans, Arthur B. Price,
Jr., Frank Thorp
Appointed members: Alvin Akman, 1979; Robert
W. Frazier, 1979; Patrick P. O'Malley, 1979;
William J. Ryan, 1979; Edward S. Corcoran,
1980; John C. Warfield, 1981; Dorothy H.
Streaker, 1981; Stephen Griffith, 1981; C. Law-
rence Wiser, 1981
The Maryland Transportation Commission,
created by Chapter 526, Acts of 1970, consists of
seventeen members. The seven regional members
of the State Roads Commission are ex officio
members, while the remaining ten members are
appointed by the Governor with the advice of the
Secretary. The appointed members serve three-
year terms. The Governor designates the
The Commission meets at least monthly and
is charged with studying the entire transporta-
tion system of the State. The Commission
advises and makes recommendations to the
Secretary and Administrators on matters con-
cerning policy formulation and program execu-
tion (Code Transportation Article, sees. 2-201
through 2-205).
Chairperson: James J. O'Donnell, Secretary, De-
partment of Transportation |
Ross B. Diffenderfer, 1982; William B. Wheeler,
1982; Joseph Browne, 1980; Arthur M. Gompf,
1980; Daniel F. McMullen III, 1981; Herman
L. Groehn, 1981
Executive Secretary: E. Donald Reilly
P. 0. Box 8755
Baltimore-Washington International Airport
Baltimore 21240 Telephone: 787-7399
The Maryland Transportation Authority, creat-
ed by Chapter 526, Acts of 1970, consists of the
Secretary as Chairperson and six members who
are appointed by the Governor with the advice
and consent of the Senate for three-ycar terms.
As of July 1, 1971, all power, authority,
obligations, functions, duties, and discretion
previously granted to the State Roads Commis-
sion relating to the financing, operation, mainte-
nance, and repair of the Susquehanna River
Bridge, the Potomac River Bridge (Governor
Harry W, Nice Memorial Bridge), the Chesa-
peake Bay Bridge (Governor William Preston
Lane, Jr., Memorial Bridge), the Baltimore Har-
bor Tunnel, the Baltimore Harbor Outer Crossing
(Francis Scott Key Memorial Bridge), the John
F. Kennedy Memorial Highway, and all other
State highway toll revenue facilities financed by
revenue bonds of the State Roads Commission
were transferred to the Maryland Transportation
Authority (Code Transportation Article, sees.
4-201 through 4-404).
E. Donald Reilly, Administrator of Toll Facilities
William R. Fletcher, Associate Administrator,
Joseph R, Hartman, Associate Administrator,
Bernard W. Jedrowicz, Associate Administrator,
P. 0. Box 9088
Dundalk 21222 Telephone: 288-6400
The Administration operates and maintains the
major bridges, the Harbor Tunnel Thruway (Pa-
tapsco Tunnel under Baltimore's harbor), and the
John F. Kennedy Memorial Highway. These fa-
cilities were constructed with the proceeds from
the sale of revenue bonds authorized under the
Revenue Bond Act of 1937 (Code 1957, Article
89B, sees. 163-181), and by Chapter 1, Acts of |