248/Maryland Manual
no longer an eligible person but should remain
confined until paroled by the Parole Commission,
or until the expiration of his sentence, or if the
person requests a transfer in writing, the Director
notifies the Commissioner of Correction and the
person is transferred to the appropriate correc-
tional facility designated by the Commissioner.
"The person may not apply for readmission to Pa-
tuxent Institution within three years of his trans-
fer from the Institution.
Board of Patuxent Institution
Chairperwn:Rev. Marcus G. Wood, 1981
Albert D. Brault, member of the Maryland Bar,
1981; Robert E. Cahill, member of the Mary-
land Bar, 1981; Jasper R. Clay, Jr., Maryland
Parole Commission, 1981; Minor B. Crager,
Professor of Law, University of Baltimore School
of Law, 1981; Robert A. Gordon, Ph.D., Pro-
fessor of Sociology, The Johns Hopkins Universi-
ty, 1981; Peter P. Lejins, Ph.D., Professor of So-
ciology, University of Maryland, 1981; Robert B.
Levinson, Ph.D., Administrator of Inmate Pro-
gram Services, U.S. Bureau of Prisons, 1981;
Elise Jude Mason, member of the Maryland
Bar, 1981; Gary W. Nyman, M.D., Director of
Mental Hygiene Administration; Olive W.
Quinn, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology, Goucher
College, 1981; Boylston D. Smith, M.D., Pro-
fessor of Psychiatry, University of Maryland
Medical School, 1981; Edward A. Tomlinson,
Ph.D., Professor of Constitutional Law, Universi-
ty of Maryland Law School, 1981; Arnold J.
Hopkins, Director, Division of Parole and Proba-
tion, Edwin R. Goodlander, Commissioner of
Correction; Eugene J. Zander, 1981.
By Chapter 476, Acts of 1951, an Advisory
Board for Defective Delinquents was created to
serve as an advisory and consultative body to the
Director. By Chapter 629, Acts of 1961, the In-
stitution became an autonomous agency and a
new Board of Patuxent Institution was created, in
addition to the Advisory Board for Defective
Delinquents, to serve as the governing body for
the Institution. By Chapter 401, Acts of 1970, the
Institution became a part of the Department of
Public Safety and Correctional Services, and con-
tinued to retain both of these boards. By Chapter
284, Acts of 1975, the Board of Patuxent Institu-
tion and the Advisory Board for Defective
Delinquents were merged into one single Board,
known as the Board of Patuxent Institution. That
combined board provided a general consultative
and advisory service to the staff of the Institution
and the Secretary of Public Safety and |
Correctional Services on problems and matters
relating to its work. With the total repeal and re-
enactment of Article 31B by Chapter 678, Acts of
1977, the Board of Patuxent Institution was re-
tained to consult with and advise the Director
and the Secretary with respect to the operation,
programs, services, personnel, and rules and
regulations of the Institution. The Board of Pa-
tuxent Institution consists of the Administrator of
the Mental Hygiene Administration, the Commis-
sioner of Correction, and the Director of Parole
and Probation who serve ex officio; a professor of
psychiatry at the Medical School of the Universi-
ty of Maryland appointed by the Secretary upon
nomination of the president of that university; a
professor of psychiatry at the Medical School of
The Johns Hopkins University appointed by the
Secretary upon nomination of the president of
that university; a competent sociologist or crimi-
nologist from the faculty of the University of
Maryland appointed by the Secretary upon nomi-
nation of the president of that university; a com-
petent sociologist or criminologist from the facul-
ty of The Johns Hopkins University appointed by
the Secretary upon nomination of the president of
that university; a full-time professor of constitu-
tional or criminal law at the law school of the
University of Maryland appointed by the Secre-
tary upon nomination of the dean of that law
school; a full-time professor of constitutional or
criminal law at the law school of the University
of Baltimore appointed by the Secretary upon
nomination of the dean of that law school; two
practicing members of the Maryland Bar with at
least five years experience in the trial of civil or
criminal cases; and six persons from the general
public who are eligible for any of the other
appointments to the board, appointed by the Sec-
retary with the approval of the Governor and the
advice and consent of the Senate.
"The members of the board, other than the ex
officio members, serve a term of four years and
are eligible for reappointment (Code 1957, Art.
31B, sees. 1-16).
Col. Thomas S. Smith, Superintendent
Lt. Col. Stanley 1. Kaplow, Deputy Superinten-
dent, Chief, Administrative Bureau
Lt. Col. John G. Blades, Chief, Operations Bureau
Lt. Col. W. C. Dykes, Chief, Services Bureau
Pikesville 21208 Telephone: 486-3101 |