great deal of construction and demolition has
taken place, with the most recent additions being
made in 1956 when the old administration build-
ing and one of the original cell houses were razed
to provide a site for a sixty-bed general hospital
to serve male inmates in the correctional system.
A new maximum security section for the confine-
ment of prisoners awaiting execution and new ex-
ecution chambers (lethal gas) were also erected in
1956. The last execution in the Maryland Peni-
tentiary took place in June 1961.
Also located within the Penitentiary facility is
the Reception Center.
Gerald A. Keller, Superintendent
Route 3, Box 2000
Hagerstown 21740 Telephone: 733-2800
"The Maryland Correctional Institution—Ha-
gerstown, originally established as the Maryland
Institution for Males, is a medium security insti-
tution activated by Chapter 519, Acts of 1945,
replacing the Maryland State Penal Farm
established by Chapter 366, Acts of 1931, at the
same location. Between 1962 and 1964, it was
known as the Maryland Institution for Men. It
adopted its present name on June 1, 1964.
Paul A. Wageley, Superintendent
P. 0. Box 3333
Route 3
Hagerstown 21740 Telephone: 733-2800
On November 22, 1966, the Maryland Cor-
rectional Training Center, authorized by Chapter
385, Acts of 1966, was dedicated. This facility is
located across the road from the Maryland Cor-
rectional Institution—Hagerstown. This facility
places emphasis upon educational and vocational
training. Those inmates who are less amenable
to treatment programs either remain in or are
transferred to the Maryland Correctional Insti-
A Work Release Center has also been
established in a separate facility on the institu-
tional grounds. This facility has a rated capacity
of fifty beds and houses those inmates on the
Work Release Program and several inmates who
are part of the institutional care. |
Harry J. Traurig, Superintendent
Jessup 20794 Telephone: 799-5550
The Maryland Correctional Institution for
Women—Jessup was originally established by
Chapter 71, Acts of 1941, as the Women's Prison of
the State of Maryland. By Chapter 520, Acts of
1945, it received the name of the Maryland State
Reformatory for Women. On July 1, 1962, its name
was changed to Maryland Institution for Women.
It adopted its present name on July 1, 1964.
Prior to the erection of this institution, female
prisoners were lodged in a section of the Mary-
land House of Correction. Before the opening of
the House of Correction in 1879, they had been
housed in quarters reserved for them at the
Maryland Penitentiary.
Effective July 1, 1967, all persons sentenced by
the courts in the State of Maryland are sentenced
to the Division of Correction and must be admit-
ted to a Reception-Diagnostic Classification Cen-
ter for testing, evaluation, and assignment to one
of the State's correctional institutions. In accor-
dance with this new law, the Division of Correc-
tion has established a Reception-Diagnostic Clas-
sification Center at the Maryland Correctional
Institution for Women—Jessup. This Center
receives all adult females serving sentences rang-
ing from three months through life imprisonment
who have been convicted of felonies and
misdemeanors and who are not sent to local jails.
Upon the completion of these classification
procedures in the Center, female inmates are
transferred to the proper Maryland Correctional
Institution to complete their sentences. Both the
Reception Center for Women and the Maryland
Correctional Institution for Women are located
on the same grounds.
Robert W. McColley, Superintendent
Administration Building
Jessup 20794 Telephone: 799-1363
Central Laundry Pre-Release Unit
Sykesville, Carroll County
Community Vocational-Rehabilitation & Pre-Re-
lease Unit
Baltimore |