Waterway Improvement provides services to the
general boating public including placement and
maintenance of navigational aids, removal of der-
elict vessels, ice breaking, dredging, and the con-
struction of regional boating facilities and local
small-boat launching ramps, piers, and ancillary
Program Open Space administers the funds
made available to local communities for open and
recreational space under the provisions of the
Outdoor Recreation Land Loan of 1969. In addi-
tion, Program Open Space coordinates the acqui-
sition of land for the use of all Departmental
Robert J. Rubelmann, Administrator
Tawes State Office Building
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-3558
The Fisheries Administration, created by Chap-
ter 348, Acts of 1972, combines the functions of
the former Department of Chesapeake Bay
Affairs, established by Chapter 82, Acts of 1964,
and the Fish and Wildlife Administration, created
by Chapter 252, Acts of 1970. The former de-
partment superseded the Department of Tidewa-
ter Fisheries, established by Chapter 508, Acts of
1941, while the latter Administration succeeded
the former Department of Game and Inland Fish,
established by Chapter 354, Acts of 1939. The
Fisheries Administration is responsible for the
preservation, enhancement, development, and use
of all fishery resources in Maryland, both tidal
and freshwater. The agency is directed by an Ad-
ministrator appointed by the Secretary of Natural
Part of the Administration's tidewater fishery
management program includes planting six mil-
lion bushels of oyster shells for propagation
purposes, transplanting seed oysters on 2,000
acres of public oyster bars, monitoring blue crab
movement to determine fluctuations in annual
harvest, investigation of instances of fish
mortalities, an inventory of 106 one-mile stream
sections in an anadromous fish study, and moni-
toring of striped bass reproduction and
Its freshwater fishery management program
includes stocking Maryland ponds and streams
with 900,000 finfish.
In addition, the Administration produces ovei
320,000 freshwater trout stocked from Maryland's
hatcheries. Extensive rehabilitation of the lakes,
ponds, and streams is carried on through chemi-
cal and mechanical means to provide better fresh-
water fishing (Code Natural Resources Article,
sees. 1-102 and 4-201).
Beruaid F. Halla, Director
Tawes State Office Building
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-3195
The Wildlife Administration, created by Chap-
ter 348, Acts of 1972, is responsible for the main-
tenance of an abundant population of wildlife
throughout the State. The Administrator is
appointed by the Secretary of Natural Resources.
Among the Administration's duties is the man-
agement of 35 wildlife areas encompassing
102,000 acres.
Recreational activities on state-owned and co-
operative lands include hunting, fishing and crab-
bing, trapping, birdwatchings, field trials, dog
training, hiking, and nature study and apprecia-
In addition, the Administration evaluates pub-
lic demands, wildlife population and harvest
parameters, and environmental factors, and
applies management techniques to ensure
sustained production for use.
The 1973 Session of the General Assembly ap-
proved a Non-Game Section to be added to the
staff of the Wildlife Administration. The Section
is funded with general and special funds—ap-
proximately 90 percent general and 10 percent
special. Endangered species, song and insectivo-
rous birds, and other wildlife are studied, man-
aged, and protected as the need arises and funds
allow (Code Natural Resources Article, sec.
Roy W. Rafter, Superintendent
Tawes State Office Building
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2247
This agency, created by Chapter 348, Acts of
1972, traces its beginnings to the establishment ol
the State Oyster Police Force in 1868 for the
enforcement of the oyster laws of the State.