All persons engaged in racing in Maryland under
assumed names must register with the appropri-
ate Board and receive its permission for the use
of such name. The Boards have the power to re-
voke or suspend the license of any person or cor-
poration engaged in racing within the State that
violates the racing laws or the rules of the Com-
mission (Code 1957, Art. 78B).
Chairperson: Vincent D. Palumbo, 1979
Earle P. Brown, 1979; Charles E. Keller, 1979;
John H. Burbage, 1979; William J. Collins,
The Maryland Standardbred Race Fund Adviso-
ry Committee was created by Chapter 771, Acts of
1971. The Committee consists of five members:
Two of the members are operators of standardbred
breeding farms; two are harness track licensees;
and one a member of the Commission. Members
are appointed by the Maryland Racing Commis-
sion with the approval of the Secretary of Licensing
and Regulation (Code 1957, Art. 78B, sec. 17A(c)).
The Committee assists and advises the Racing
Commission on the administration of the Stan-
dardbred Race Program and the Standardbred
Race Fund. This Fund was established by having
each harness track licensee allocate .5070 of the
mutuel on all races conducted by it during the
year to the Fund. This Fund is then used as a
purse for races involving Standardbred horses
(Code 1957, Art. 78B, sec. 17A).
Chairperson: Robert W. Furtick, 1979
Hal C. B. Clagett, 1979; Charles J. Lang, 1979;
Max Mosner, 1979; John C. Mobberly, 1979
The Maryland-Bred Race Fund Advisory
Committee, created by Chapter 137, Acts of
1962, consists of five members appointed by the
Maryland Racing Commission with the approval
of the Secretary of Licensing and Regulation. Of
the five members, two represent the Maryland
Horse Breeders' Association; one the mile track
associations; one the half-mile track associations;
and one is a member of the Commission (Code
1957, Art. 78B).
The Committee administers the Maryland-Bred
Race Program and the Maryland-Bred Race
Fund. This Fund was established by having each
thoroughbred track licensee allocate .50% of the
mutuel pool of all races conducted by it during
the year. The Fund is then used as a purse for
races involving Maryland-Bred horses (Code
1957, Art. 78B, sec. 16).
Chairperson: William C. Harloff, 1981
Vice-Chairperson: Albert L. Jones, 1983
Donald E. Howard, 1980; Roger J. Johnson,
1983; Marilyn R. Jones, 1982; James C.
Latham, 1981; John J. Moran, Jr., 1980;
Charles R. Wolfe, 1982
Executive Director: Charles G. Chambers
One South Calvert Street
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 383-2130
The Real Estate Commission, originally
established by Chapter 351, Acts of 1939, had its
membership expanded by Chapter 617, Acts of
1961, its composition redefined by Chapter 506,
Acts of 1966, and its composition further
redefined by Chapter 653, Acts of 1971, and
Chapter 851, Acts of 1974. The Commission is
composed of eight members appointed by the
Governor with the advice of the Secretary of Li-
censing and Regulation and the advice and con-
sent of the Senate. One member represents the
Eastern Shore; one. Central Maryland; one,
Baltimore City; one, Southern Maryland; one,
Western Maryland; and three the State at large.
The at large members must not be engaged in the
real estate business. All members must be citizens
and residents of the area for which they were
appointed for not less than five years, and they
must have been actively engaged in the real estate
business for ten years prior to appointment, ex-
cept the at large members. "The Commission
selects its own Chairperson and licenses all real
estate brokers and salesmen doing business in
Each applicant for a real estate salesman's or
broker's license must complete courses relating to
principles of real estate in order to qualify for ex-
"The Commission has the power to revoke, re-
fuse, or suspend licenses of any person for violat-
ing the real estate laws or for unethical conduct.
The Real Estate Commission, by Chapter 648,
Acts of 1971, administers the Real Estate