to help relieve the overcrowding of the juvenile
institutions since no construction was necessary.
It opened on April 1, 1964. The 1964 General
Assembly appropriated funds to establish a per-
manent center at Backbone Mountain in Garrett
County with facilities for thirty-five boys (Chap-
ter 159, Acts of 1964). This Youth Center opened
on May 23, 1.966, at which time the staff and
boys were transferred from the temporary center
at Victor Cullen to the permanent center at Back-
bone Mountain, approximately eight miles from
Westemport on Route 135.
Donald L. Carter, Supervisor
Flintstone 21530 Telephone: 478-2511
The 1965 General Assembly appropriated
funds to establish a permanent center at Maple
Run in the Green Ridge State Forest, approxi-
mately eight miles south of Route 40 in Allegany
County. The center was completed and occupied
on April 7, 1967, with facilities for thirty-five
boys (Chapter 743, Acts of 1965).
Harry Langmead, Administrator
9925 Blackwell Road
Rockville 20850 Telephone: 762-7800
The Alfred D. Noyes Children's Center was
established under Section 8 of Chapter 101, Acts
of 1970, and Section 8 of Chapter 179, Acts of
1972, as modified in the General Construction
Loan Act of 1974.
Opened in September 1977, the Noyes Center
is a regional detention center that provides
services for a capacity of thirty youths, male and
female, from Montgomery and the Western
Maryland counties. The facility offers secure, tem-
porary care for youths who are alleged to be or
have been adjudicated delinquent.
John F. Monaghan, Director
Sylvia M. Staples, Assistant Director
Charles Leight, Assistant Director
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-3354
Provisions for the organization and administra-
tion of the Mental Retardation Administration
are contained in the Mental Retardation Law
(Code 1957, Art. 59A, sees. 2-54). The Director
of the Mental Retardation Administration is
appointed by the Governor upon recommenda-
tion of the Secretary of Health and Mental Hy-
giene. The Assistant Directors and the Directors
of Finance, Evaluation, Training and Resources,
Special Services, Community Services, and Con-
tinuum of Care Teams assist the Director in poli-
cy making and program implementation.
The Administration plans, develops, and
directs a statewide comprehensive system of
services for mentally retarded persons and their
families and coordinates its activities with other
government, voluntary, and private health, edu-
cation, and welfare agencies. The Administration
operates five State residential facilities, two of
which are regional centers, and one residential
program for mentally retarded children with
physical handicaps. In addition, the Administra-
tion provides funds for group homes and
apartments, small residential centers, and day
care programs for mentally retarded persons.
Continuum of Care Teams initiate, coordinate,
and evaluate programs in five designated
regions. Team members provide consultation
and assistance to local governments and other
local resources agencies in the development of
plans, program priorities, and requests for
Marvin M. Malcotti, Ph.D., Superintendent
Owings Mills 21117 Telephone: 363-0300
Rosewood Center, established by Chapter
183, Acts of 1888, as the Asylum and Training
School for the Feeble Minded of the State of
Maryland, admitted its first children in 1889.
From 1912 to 1961 it was known as Rosewood
State Training School. Chapter 89, Acts of
1961, designated Rosewood as a State Hospital,
and with the consolidation of the Departments
of Health and Mental Hygiene in 1969 it was
assigned its present name. The Center provides
for the care, education, training, and habilitation
of mentally retarded children from all parts of
the State. Rosewood is licensed for 1,665