Services to the Aging (Day Care for the Elderly,
Geriatrio Evaluation Services, and Home Health
Services) and Institutional Services to the Aging,
which operates the Tawes Bland Bryant Nursing
Home and gives program guidance to other long-
term care facilities.
The Hospital Treatment Services Program
provides direction to the three chronic disease
hospitals—Deer's Head Center, Western Maryland
Center, and Montebello—whose mission is to pro-
vide care for persons who require constant medical
and nursing care by reason of chronic illness or in-
firmity or who are suffering from chronic disability
amenable to rehabilitation. Besides the chronic
hospital level of care. Deer's Head Center operates
a kidney dialysis unit and Western Maryland Cen-
ter operates a Day Care for the Elderly program, a
skilled nursing care unit, and a kidney dialysis unit.
In addition, the program operates Mt. Wilson Cen-
ter, which has tuberculosis, chronic obstructive
lung disease, and nursing home components.
The Maryland End-Stage Kidney Disease Pro-
gram ensures access to needed services for all
patients suffering from irreversible kidney disease
through a reimbursement program and through
planning and coordination of activities,
Edward G. Phoebus, J.D„ Director
P. 0. Box 2018
Salisbury 21801 Telephone: 742-2164
Deer's Head Center, authorized by Chapter 994,
Acts of 1945, was established in 1950. It is the re-
gional facility for chronically ill and aging adults in
need of physical medicine and rehabilitation
services, or general medical care for chronic
diseases or terminal illness. The Center also
operates a kidney dialysis facility for area residents.
The licensed capacity for the Center is 405 patient
Solomon Oladstein, Director
2201 Argonne Drive
Baltimore 21218 Telephone: 889-3080
Montebello Center, authorized by Chapter 412,
Acts of 1951, opened in 1953 as the principal unit
of the chronic disease hospital system. The Center
provides hospitalization tor chronically ill and ag-
ing adults in need of physical medicine and rehabil-
itation services, or in need of general medical care
for chronic diseases or terminal illness.
Joseph A. Lilli, Director
Mount Wilson 21112 Telephone: 486-7676
Mt. Wilson, established in 1925, is the State's in-
stitution for the treatment of patients with tubercu-
losis and other chronic lung diseases. With the de-
cline in the number of tuberculosis cases a portion
of the hospital has been converted to use for geriat-
ric and mentally retarded patients.
Wilfred T. Tumbusch, M.D., Director
Hagerstown 21740 Telephone: 739-6300
Western Maryland Center, originally Western
Maryland State Hospital, authorized by Chapter
53, Acts of 1952, was opened in 1957 and currently
has 139 licensed beds for rehabilitation services and
the care of the chronically ill. An outpatient unit is
maintained to provide hemodialysis for patients
with chronic kidney disease. The Center is also li-
censed for thirty-six skilled nursing home beds.
Jean Rose Stifler, M.D., M.P.H., Director
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2640
Local health departments provide services to the
residents of the State through their staffs of public
health nurses, sanitarians, and other health
workers. The Administration provides consultation
and assistance to local health officers in the devel-
opment of programs to meet the needs of the popu-
lation served.
Theodore G. Lucas
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-7328
The position of Assistant Secretary for Special
Programs (Juvenile Services, Mental Retardation,
and proposed Developmental Disabilities Admini-
strations) was established during the fiscal year
1976. He has overall responsibility on a Depart-
mental basis for the management, organization,
and direction of the Administrations within the
Assistant Secretariat and the development of a col-
laborative working relationship of these
Administrations within the Department of Health
and Mental Hygiene. He designs and recommends
policies, procedures, and standards that will insure