operations established by his father in 1929-
upon discharge from the U.S. Navy after World
War 11. Today Mr. Wineland serves as the corpo-
ration's vice-president and treasurer.
Upon moving into Prince George's County in
1957, Mr. Wineland immediately became involved |
in civic and political activities. He has been an
active participant in the affairs of, among others,
the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the American Le-
gion, the Lions Club, Fort Washington Methodist
Church, Prince George's Board of Trade, Prince
George's Chamber of Commerce, and the Fort
Washington Democratic Club. He was an alter-
nate delegate to the Democratic Convention in
1972 and was chosen a delegate to the 1976 Con-
vention in New York City.
Mr. Wineland served in the House of Delegates
and the Maryland State Senate from 1963 until
his appointment to his present position. He serves
on the Governor's Executive Council, the Cabi-
net, the Environmental Council, and the State
Board of Canvassers. He also acts as co-chairman
of Jobs for Veterans and as the Governor's liai-
son with veterans groups and with the Maryland
Rural Affairs Council.
Mr. Wineland has served as Secretary of State
since 1971. During his tenure the duties of the of-
fice have increased dramatically. By virtue of be-
ing Secretary, Mr. Wineland has been a member
of the National Association of Secretaries of State
and has served in various executive positions
within that organization. In 1978 Mr. Wineland
was the President of the Association and now
serves on its Executive Committee. |