Publication, Inventory Management, and the
Hall of Records Commission, which includes
the Archives and the Records Management
Stanley J. Hanna, Chief, Purchasing Bureau
301 West Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-3644
The Purchasing Bureau is responsible for the
procurement of all materials, supplies, and equip-
ment used by State agencies. The Bureau annual-
ly purchases commodities ranging from office
supplies to medicines and food stuffs. Unless an
item costs less than $100 or is an exempted com-
modity, State agencies must submit to the Bureau
a purchase requisition that identifies both the
item and quantity requested. The item may be
supplied in one of several ways: (1) drawing it
from the State warehouse in Jessup, (2) ordering
it through an open-ended contract that has been
developed by the Bureau, (3) bidding the item
through the Bureau as an individual requirement,
or (4) ordering it as part of the Bureau's sched-
uled purchase program. Emergency purchases can
also be made by an agency whenever the pur-
chase is necessary to preserve human life or State
Dayton W. Eddy, Telecommunications
301 West Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-4493
This Division is responsible for meeting the
needs of State agencies for voice, teletype, radio,
and other communication-related services. The
Division's activities also include the management
of the State's telephone system, MARCOM
(Maryland Communications and Information Sys-
tem). It should be noted that the Division
controls no funds other than those required for
its own operation. While the Division provides
advice, assistance, and recommendations to other
State agencies, it has no authority to direct their
telecommunication activities.
Kenneth B. Webster, Manager
301 West Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-3261
This Division is responsible for the overall
management of in-plant duplicating shops (which
are operated by other State agencies), the estab-
lishment of central reproduction and graphic art
facilities, and the supervision of commercial print-
ing, graphic arts, and photocopier procurement.
The Division provides advice and assistance to all
State agencies in matters relating to graphic com-
munication formats, materials, and production
methods to ensure quality reproduction at the
lowest possible costs. The Division also operates
both a typewriter repair and a mail delivery ser-
vice for State agencies located within the
Baltimore Metropolitan area.
William T. Robel, Manager
301 West Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-7422
This Division was authorized by the 1977
General Assembly to provide more efficient use
of the capital invested in statewide inventories,
storage facilities, and transportation resources.
The Division is responsible for planning and
controlling inventories of materials, supplies, and
foodstuffs. It establishes investment standards
and controls for individual agencies to minimize
the capital needed to satisfy their inventory
requirements. The Division issues policies,
regulations, and guidelines and provides techni-
cal assistance to State agencies on all matters
involving controls, planning, storage, and distri-
bution of inventories.
Chairpenon: Robert C. Murphy, Chief Judge,
Court of Appeals a/Maryland
Vice-Chairpenon: Richard D. Weigle, President,
St. John's College
Louis L. Goldstein, Comptroller of the Treasury;
J. Max Millstone, Secretary of General Services,'
Leonard C. Crewe, Jr„ President, Maryland
Historical Society; Vacancy, President, The Pea-
body Institute; Steven Muller, President, The
Johns Hopkins University
Secretary: Dr. Edward C. Papenfuse, State Archi-
vist, Archives Division
Hall of Records
P.O. Box 828
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-3915