Edward L. Middleton, Secretary
Old Armory Building
11 Biaden Street
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-3443
This office is charged with a number of adminis-
trative functions in connection with matters
brought before the Board of Public Works. It is re-
sponsible for preparing one of the several agenda
considered by the Board at its meetings and for
scheduling the appearance of those wishing to testi-
fy at meetings. It must notify all affected parties of
actions taken by the Board. It prepares,
distributes, and maintains the minutes of each of
the meetings. A library of tape recordings and
transcripts of each meeting is also maintained. The
office provides informational services to other State
agencies, news media, and the public at large, as
well as engaging in research when requested. The
operating budget of the Board of Public Works,
which contains a number of grant programs to pri-
vate agencies, institutions, colleges, and universi-
ties, is prepared and administered by this office.
Lawrence B. Goldstein, Wetlands Administrator
Old Armory Building
11 Biaden Street
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2664
Chapter 241 of the Acts of 1970 requires that
anyone wishing to dredge or fill in State wetlands
must first secure a license from the Board of Pub-
lic Works. In order to fulfill the responsibilities
assigned to it by the statute the Board has
appointed a Wetlands Administrator. The duties
of this office include the receipt of applications,
as well as scheduling and conducting the required
public hearing. After holding the hearing and
considering all other information relevant to the
application, the administrator then prepares a
written report to the Board of Public Works, in-
cluding a recommendation as to whether or not a
license should be issued and if so under what
terms and conditions. The approved license is
also issued by this office.
The Wetlands Administrator coordinates all
aspects of the program with other State, local,
and Federal agencies, as well as environmental
groups and the general public (Natural Resources
Article, sec. 9-202).
Francis J. Aluisi, Permits Coordinator
Old Armory Building
II Biaden Street
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2666
The Permits Coordinator is appointed by the
Board of Public Works in compliance with Chap-
ter 553 of the Acts of 1975. The Coordinator is
required by law to have available copies of all
rules and regulations and all application forms
adopted or used by various State agencies with
respect to the issuance of permits. He must advise
persons proposing projects of the various permits
that may be required and is to furnish to the
applicants the relevant information concerning
the required procedures for obtaining these
permits. The Coordinator must cooperate with
each State agency having authority to issue a per-
mit in developing a master application form and
appropriate appendices for use in applying for
multiple permits. When more than one State
agency is required to issue a permit for a specific
project, a consolidated hearing is held and the
Coordinator presides over the consolidated hear-
ing. In addition to consolidated State hearings,
the statute provides for joint hearings with local
governmental agencies (Code 1957, Art. 78A,
sees. 56-67).
Charles St., Baltimore, Maryland 21201;
Gerhardt M. Hoff, Chairperson; Mary E. Banks,
Executive Director. Seeks to provide social justice
without upheaval, promote racial harmony, and
serve as an advocate for the vulnerable—young,
aged, poor, and others. Organized into a number
of task force committees in the areas of Health
and Welfare, Education, Legislation, and Crimi-
nal Justice, Employment and Economy, and
Housing. Appropriations: 1977—$10,000;
1978—S10,000; 1979—$12,500.
Fort George G. Meade, Maryland 20755; Colonel
Frank A. Kunkowski, Wing Commander. The
funds appropriated are to pay the State's contri-
bution to the Maryland Wing, Civil Air Patrol,
to be used for basic operating expenses.
Appropriations: 1977—$97,659; 1978—$10,000;