This session was called by the Governor
for May 12, 1975 and adjourned on the
same day.
Chapter 750 of the Acts of 1974, estab-
lishing the procedures for property tax
credits for qualified homeowners and renters,
was repealed by the enactment of Senate
Bill 1, Chapter 1. This bill provided for
changes in the method of financing the Cir-
cuit Breaker tax relief program.
Senate Bill 2, Chapter 2, was enacted to
increase State Aid for Police Protection in
the State.
The General Assembly met in regular
session on January 14, 1976 and adjourned
on April 12,1976.
A total of 3,350 bills was introduced, of
which 1,128 were Senate bills and 2,222
were House bills. Of the 1,128 Senate bills,
337 were passed by both Houses; of this
latter number, 297 were signed by the Gov-
ernor and 40 were vetoed. Of the 2,222
House bills introduced, 673 were passed by
both Houses, and of this latter number, 627
were signed by the Governor and 46 were
vetoed. The Governor also vetoed eleven
items in the General Construction Loan bill,
Senate Bill 371, Chapter 914.
Joint Resolutions introduced totaled 260,
with 83 in the Senate and 177 in the House. |
Of these, 39 Senate and 56 House Joint
Resolutions were passed by both Houses.
Thirty-six Senate and 52 House Joint Reso-
lutions were signed by the Governor.
The budget bill enacted at this session
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1977,
amounted to $3,524,632,256. The General
Construction Loan bill passed was for a
total of $61,881,000.
Among the more important laws enacted
were: A bill to regulate Consumer Credit
Agencies, a bill to require banking institu-
tions and savings and loan associations to
pay interest on short-term and specific pur-
pose savings accounts, a bill to require full-
time duty for the Bank Commissioner, a bill
to repeal the Fair Trade Act, a bill to pro-
hibit participation by Maryland firms in for-
eign discriminatory boycotts, a bill to regu-
late charitable organizations and solicitations,
a bill to provide for the candidacy and
election of Governor and Lieutenant Gov-
ernor, a bill to extend the circuit breaker
property tax relief to disabled homeowners,
a bill to provide for the regulation of mo-
bile homes and parks, a bill to require pho-
tographs on drivers' licenses and to provide
for changes in license renewals, a bill to
create a Criminal Justice Information Sys-
tem, a bill to create the office of State
Prosecutor, and provision for a rapid transit
system was included in the State budget.
Several proposals were made to amend
the Constitution of Maryland. Among them
was a proposal revising and clarifying the
authority of the Attorney General, and an-
other changing the proportion of names to
be filed by a certain date for a referendum
petition. |