Verna B. Evans 1979
Gary Miller 1979
Superintendent of Schools
Eugene M. Karol
Board of Library Trustees
Richard H. Thomas 1977
Mrs. Fred Henderson 1977
Elwood Webster 1977
Jack T. Taylor 1978
Mrs. Lloyd Lohmeyer 1978
Mrs. Paul Emely 1981
Mrs. Edwin Long 1981
George Sendall
Social Services Board
Earl Webster, Chairman 1977
Earl G. Warwick, County
Lester Pollitt 1977
Charles Revelle 1977
Julia Hudson 1978
Charles Fisher 1978
Vacancy 1979
Vacancy 1979
Director of Social Services
Elizabeth W. Hall
Recreation and Parks Director™
Frank Snyder
Recreation and Parks Commission
Charles Edward Biddie Tull,
County Commissioner
Val Brown
De Wayne Whittington
Elmo Powell
Planning and Zoning Director
Richard M. Pollitt, Jr.
Zoning Inspector
James Windsor
Planning and Zoning Commission
Edwin D. McGee, County
Robert L. Chamberlain, Jr. 1977
Banes Layfield 1977
Don Ramsay 1977
Julian C. Tyler 1977
Charles Bruce 1979
Donald M. Price 1981
Board of Zoning Appeals
Robert A. Pinto, Jr„ Chairman 1977
William Overholt 1977
Horace Webster 1979
Ralph Parks, Alternate 1977
Frank Carey, Alternate 1978
Sanitary Commission
Richard M. Cooley, Chairman 1979
Mahlon D. Price 1977
Russell Ward 1979
Jerry McCready 1980
Robert Street, Sr. 1980 |
Area Redevelopment Board"''
Robert L. Chamberlain, Jr.,
President and Director 1977
Melvin Byrd, Vice President and
Director 1977
Thomas S. Simpkins, Treasurer
and Director 1977
Charles E. Massey, Secretary 1977
Area Redevelopment Committee
Charles Bruce
Roads Board
Board of County Commissioners,
ex officio
William Daugherty, Clerk
Roads Engineer""
Charles E. Briddell
Board of Liquor License
Stanford Jones, Chairman 1977
Charles E. Nichols 1977
Mary Ann Ward 1977
Liquor Control Board
Allen F. Matthews, Chairman 1979
Ralph Parks, Vice Chairman 1979
Charles L. Muir, Secretary 1979
Extension Agents
Joseph W. Trumbauer
Judith H. Anderson
Leon Johnson
June W. Rhodes
Barbara E. Fontaine
Richard B. Sterrett
Soil Conservation District
Frederick W. Nelson, Chairman 1977
William Ralph Smith,
Vice Chairman 1979
Neal D. Widdowson, Treasurer 1978
Cecil Schrock (181)'"
Willard L. Smith, Sr. 1980
Joseph W. Trumbauer, Extension
Agent, Secretary
County Seat: Easton 21601
Area: 331 sq. miles
Origin and Name of the County:
Named after Grace Talbot, sister of
Cecilius, Second Lord Baltimore. The form
of the creation of this County is not known,
but it was probably by virtue of an order
of the Governor in Council. It was certainly
in existence by February 18, 1661/62, when
a writ was issued to the sheriff.
179 Appointed by the Board of County Commissioners.
""Appointed by the Board of County Commissioners (Ch.
616, Acts of 1959).
»' County appointee. |