Board of Education
Herbert J. Harman 1977
Troy R. Gnegy 1978
W. Brooks Hamilton, Jr. 1979
Robert F. Diehl 1980
Clarence L. Stem 1981
Superintendent of Schools
William H. Buser
Garrett County Community
Pasquale Fischetti 1977
Paul R. Mateer 1978
Mrs. Dana Thoman 1979
Gary E. Frantz 1980
Robert F. Diehl 1981
William N. Goldsborough 1982
Diane Thayer 1982
Alfred O'Connell, President
Board of Library Trustees
Agatha B. Beachley 1977
Goldie Bittle 1977
Mrs. Lewis R. Jones 1977
Mrs. Walter A. Swauger 1977
Mary Ann Penman 1978
Jesse J. Walker 1978
Eric Ammann 1979
Edith Grace Brock
Social Services Board
Alfred T. Marucci, Chairman
George C. Edwards, County
Ruth Calderwood
Kaylen Carlson
Ronald Lewis
Dorothy Lowdermilk
Dorothy Rudy
Bradley Stewart
Patricia Zumpano
Director of Social Services
Perry Shaffer
Commission on the Aging
Elmer L. Hill, M.D., Chairman
Garrett County Sanitary
Randall Harman, Chairman
E. Lawrence Groves, Treasurer
Robert Stuck
George Comp
Garrett County Development
Irving R. Rudy, President
Wayne B. Hamilton, Vice President
Karol Rush, Secretary-Treasurer
Robert Ridder
Ross Crowe
Charles R. Briner
Darnell Watring
Thomas D. Jones, Executive Director |
Planning Commission
Charles C. Bender, Chairman 1978
Wayne B. Hamilton, County
Merle Garletts 1978
Celeste Larcaris 1978
George E. Brady, Jr. 1979
Robert 0. Glotfelty 1979
Col. J. Hayden Jackson
Maryland Potomac Water
A uthority
Don S. Bender, Member
George C. Edwards, Alternate
Upper Potomac River
John Adams, Jr. 1979
Zoning Appeals Board
Aza C. Stanton, Jr. 1978
Jack Lear 1977
C. Elizebeth Friend 1978
Gary E. Yoder 1979
Dana Thoman 1979
A dministrative Engineer
Paul DeWitt
Merit System Commission"
Not vet appointed
Roads Board
Board of County Commissioners,
ex officio
Board of Liquor License
Board of County Commissioners,
ex officio
Liquor Board
James S. Cooper 1976
George D. Mease 1978
Clarence M. Savage 1980
M. Virginia Rosenbaum 1978
Extension Agents
James A. McHenry
Freda S. Denison
Alice Hevner
Lawrence F. Little
Soil Conservation District
Robert 0. Glotfelty, Chairman'"
Harry W. Hummel,
Vice Chairman 1976
Claude Wagner, Jr., Treasurer 1978
Walter Margroff 1977
George Bishoff 1979
James A. McHenry, Extension
Agent, Secretary
" Created by Chapter 286, Acts of 1971.
"* County appointee. |