Delores F. Richardson 1978
Philip S. Bathon 1979
Rev. Robert C. Prior 1979
John N. Williams 1979
Director of Social Services
John R. Koch
Commission on Aging
Robert G. Bredenberg, Chairman
Planning Commission
Ernest L. Bannister, Chairman 1976
Harold W. Cheyney, Jr.,
Vice Chairman 1978
Mary A. Maloney, County
Vacancy 1977
Leroy Scott 1979
George H. Ashbridge 1980
William D. Fossett 1980
Zoning Inspector
Robert C. Adams
Road Inspector
Earl F. Adams
Utility Inspector
Kenneth L. Eckard
Design Engineer
James A. Ryan
Director of Public Works'"
Barry G. Belford
Director of Planning and
Economic Development
Allan S. Davis
Board of Zoning Appeals
John D. Moomaw, Chairman 1977
Mrs. Edward A. Mechling 1976
Norman H. Hasson, Sr. 1977
G. William England 1978
Guy McGrady 1978
Building Code Appeal Board"
Harvey D. Boyce, Chairman 1980
William Scott 1976
George Wilson 1976
Everett MacCauley, Jr. 1978
H. A. Hageman 1979
Board of Parks and Recreation'"
William R. Edmanson, Chairman 1979
Joseph E. Ayers 1979
Roland McCloskey 1979
Jail Board"
Edgar U. Startt 1977
Daniel J. Brown 1980
Samuel F. duPont 1981
Salary Review Board'''
William A. Shelton, Chairman 1978
Argus F. Robinson 1977
Hubert F. Ryan 1979
Economic Development Commission (65)'"
Benjamin F. Harrington, Jr.,
Chairman 1977 |
Board of Electrical Examiners
and Supervisor (66)"'
Donald Lyle 1976
John E. McCarthy 1977
Howard F. Delp 1978
Plumbing Board"
John M. Byers, M.D., M.P.H.,
Chairman 1977
Roger Bouchelle 1977
Wiliard G. Bryan 1977
Plumbing Inspector (68)
Sterling G. Brown
Building inspector"
Merritt B. Dean
Board of Liquor License
Edward H. Williams, Chairman 1981
Virginia Davidson 1977
Herbert Montgomery 1978
Alcoholic Beverages Inspector"
Herrel Curry, Jr.
Roads Supervisor'"
Edmon H. Deringer
Animal Control Commission'"
Mrs. Edwin A. Churchill, Chairman 1979
Extension Agents
Raymond G. Mueller
Bernardine Coleman
Richard Bauerle
Jay Glenn Shortall
Donna Parsell
"Appointed by the Board of County Commissioners (Ch.
484, Acts of 1971). The same Act abolished the Cecil
County Metropolitan Commission. Chapter 629, Acts of
1972 created the Department of Public Works with the
Director of Public Works as its head The department
includes the Roads Engineer and the Supervisor of Solid
"* Appointed by the Board of County Commissioners for
indefinite terms
'" Consists of 3 members appointed by the Board of
County Commissioners for 4-year terms The Board selects
its own officers (Ch. 697, Acts of 1968)
" Consists of 3 members appointed by the Board of
County Commissioners for 5-year terms (Ch. 208, Acts
of 1971)
"Created by Chapter 42, Acts of 1970. The Board con-
sists of 3 members appointed by the Board of County
Commissioners for 3-year terms.
65 Consists of between nine and fifteen members appointed
by the Board of County Commissioners for two year terms
(Ch. 302, Acts of 1963).
66 Consists of three members appointed by the Board of
County Commissioners for three-year terms. Two arc se-
lected from a list submitted by the Cecil County Electrical
Contractors Association and one is a president of a Cecil
County Fire Company (Ch. 585, Acts of 1972).
"• Consists of 3 members appointed by the Board of
County Commissioners for 1-year terms. 1 to be the
County Health Officer, 1 to represent the Master Plumbers'
Association of Cecil County, and 1 to be an architect.
engineer, or builder.
68 Appointed by the Board of County Commissioners.
" Appointed by the Board of County Commissioners (Ch.
699, Acts of 1966).
" Appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. |