Hospital Board
Atlee Wampler, Chairman
J. Norman Graham,
County Commissioner
Charles Graf, Administrator
Planning Commission
Harry B. Dougherty, Chairman 1980
Roger L. Mann,
County Commissioner
Lloyd Rupp 1976
Fred P. Esbrandt 1978
E. Miller Richardson 1979
Ellen Joseph, Alternate
Director of Planning
Edmund R. Cueman
Zoning Administrator
Mrs. Solveig Smith
Board of Zoning Appeals
Walter M. Baggs, Chairman 1979
Edwin J. Nusbaum 1977
A. W. Ulino 1978
Historic District Commission
H. Jerry Fair 1977
Eugene Willis 1977
Mrs. Walter C. Bay 1978
Bernard Devilbiss 1979
Donald Hull 1979
Robert E. Myers 1979
Mrs. J. Howard West 1979
Capital improvements Commission 51
Economic Development Commission"
C. Lee Freeman 1977
Public Housing Commission'"
Board of Governors of the
County Farm Museum (53)
Schwartz, Chairman
Emma Hofferberth, Curator
Community Action Committee
Louis V. Beard, Chairman
Park and Recreation Commission
David Brauning, Chairman 1977
Sanitary Commission"
Lloyd Baker, Chairman 1981
A. Olin Grimes 1977
Zygmunde C. Sobak 1977
Samuel Breth 1979
William H. Heinekamp 1980
Development Assessment
Advisory Commission"
Not yet appointed
Director of Public Roads'"
John Armacost
Supervisor of Maintenance. Shop
George Buckingham
Supervisor of Maintenance, Rouds
Elbert Koontz |
Electrical Board""
James H. Richards 1977
Hewlett S. Stone 1978
James N. Dorsey III 1979
Harry Gettier
Vernon Miller
Electrical Inspector
Wilbur E. Blizzard
Board of Liquor License Commissioners
C. Henry Miller 1977
Thomas V. Stem 1978
Herbert Liggon 1979
Betty Jones, Secretary
Extension Agents
Robert L. Jones
Walter C. Bay
Jennifer L. Dashiell
S. Keith Dixon
David L. Greene
Deborah A. Jones
Janice M. Watkins
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
Donald 1. Dell, Chairman 1977
Carroll M. Wilhide (58)"
W. Wilson Lippy 1976
Vacancy 1978
J. Stanley Harrison 1979
Robert L. Jones, Extension Agent,
County Seat: Elkton 21921
Area: 386 sq. miles
Origin of Name of the County:
Named for Cecilius, Second Lord Balti-
more and founder of the Colony. This
County was erected in 1674 by Proclama-
tion of the Governor.
" Consists of 7 members appointed by the Board of
County Commissioners for 3-year terms. One of the mem-
bers must be a County Commissioner) 1 a member of the
School Board (Ch. 493, Acts of 1963).
" Composed of 15 members appointed by the Board of
County Commissioners for 2-year terms (Ch. 730, Acts
of 1963).
" Appointed by the Board of County Commissioners for
indefinite terms.
" Created by Chapter 754, Acts of 1967.
" Appointed by the Board of County Commissioners The
Commission is composed of a person concerned with de-
velopment, two from the general public, one representing
the real estate interests, and one the agricultural inter-
ests. Members serve two year terms and may be reap-
pointed only once (Ch. 861, Acts of 1973).
56 Appointed by the Board of County Commissioners (Ch
408, Acts of 1963).
" Appointed by the Board of County Commissioners (Ch.
325, Acts of 1973)
58 County appointee, |