Extension Agents
W. Max Buckel
Imogene D. Romino
G. Richard Curran
Russell J. Balge
Robert M. Shirley
Sharon Feucht
Regina Perrotta
Debra K. Fry
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
Vernon Foster, Chairman 1976
Richard D. Klein (35)"
Carroll W. Seabrease 1977
Loring T. Sparks 1978
Wayne C. McGinnis 1979
W. Max Buckel, Extension Agent,
County Seat: Prince Frederick 20678
Area: 244 sq. miles
Origin of Name of the County:
This County takes its name from the
family name of the Proprietary. It was es-
tablished by an Order in Council of 1654,
and it was called Patuxent County until
Population, 1970:
Calvert County . 20,682
Dist. 1, Solomons Island 6,404
Dist. 2, Prince Frederick 6,21 1
Dist. 3, Sunderland 8,067
Estimated Population, 1976: 27,500
Court Terms:
Circuit Court — Jury, first Monday in May
and second Monday in November; non-jury,
first Monday in February, second Monday
in July.
Orphans' Court Days — Second and fourth
Tuesday of every month.
Courthouse Information Number: 535-1600
Resident Judge, Circuit Court
Perry G. Bowen, Jr. 1981
Judge, District Court
David A. Harkness 1981
Dennis Fean, Administrative Clerk
Ronald Lee Barnes, Clerk
Clerk, Circuit Court
J. Lloyd Bowen . 1978 |
State's Attorney
Naji P. Maloof 1978
Adrian L. Joy 1978
Register of Wills
Grace L. Hutchins 1978
Judges, Orphans' Court
Gloria S. Hutchins, Chief Judge 1978
Ellen D. Bowen 1978
Ailene W. Hutchins 1978
District Public Defender
Franklin B. Olmsted
Board of County Commissioners
C. Bernard Fowler, President 1978
H. Gordon Trueman 1978
George J. Weems 1978
Jack G. Upton, Administrative
Shirley Whittington, Clerk
Allen Handen, Attorney
Jessie Jo Bowen 1978
Supervisor of Assessments
M. Kenneth Buckler
Property Tax Assessment Appeal Board
John' W. Leitch III, Chairman 1979
Bedford C. Glasscock 1977
Spencer E. Sewell 1978
Senior Assessors
Rudolph H. Bennett
Wayne W. Grover
Assessor III
Dudley R. McCready
Board of Supervisors of Elections
Clifton Whittington 1977
Mildred Cox 1977
Earle Bourne 1977
Director of Civil Defense
Vernon Horsmon
Deputy Medical Examiner
George J. Weems, M.D.
Health Officer
David Rogers
Mental Health Advisory Comin.
Sarah Burton 1977
James Hamill 1977
Page Jett 1977
Marvin Riddle 1977
Patricia Bash 1978
Mary N. Loew 1978
E. Lloyd Robertson 1978
James Shannon 1978
Robert Berman 1979
Daniel Sheridan 1979
Douglas Weems 1979
David Rogers, ex officio
" County appointee. |