structors at such schools and to issue ap-
propriate certificates to such instructors;
to certify correctional officers who have
satisfactorily completed training programs
and to issue appropriate certificates to such
correctional officers; to conduct and operate
approved correctional training schools as de-
fined in this Act; to appoint, with the ap-
proval of the Secretary of Public Safety and
Correctional Services, an Executive Direc-
tor to serve at its pleasure, who shall per-
form general administrative functions, and
to fix his compensation; to employ such
other persons as may be necessary to carry
out the provisions of this section, upon ap-
proval of the Secretary of Public Safety and
Correctional Services, and as provided for
in the State budget; to promulgate with the
approval of the Secretary of Public Safety
and Correctional Services, such rules and
regulations as may be reasonably necessary
or appropriate to accomplish the purposes
and objectives of the law; to make a con-
tinuous study of correctional training meth-
ods and procedures for all correctional
schools and to consult with and accept the
cooperation of any recognized federal, State,
or municipal correctional agency or educa-
tional institution; to consult and cooperate
with universities, colleges and institutions
for the development of all general and spe-
cialized courses of study for correctional
officers as defined in the law; to consult and
cooperate with other departments and agen-
cies of the State concerned with correctional
The Commission consists of thirteen mem-
bers of whom nine are ex officio and four
are appointed. The ex officio members in-
clude the Deputy Secretary for Correctional
Services, the Commissioner of Correction,
the Director of the Division of Parole and
Probation, the President of the Maryland
Community Correctional Administrators As-
sociation, the President of the Maryland
Sheriffs Association, the President of the
Maryland Probation, Parole and Corrections
Association, the Warden of the Baltimore
City Jail, the Attorney General of the State
of Maryland, a representative of the Federal
Bureau of Prisons appointed by its Director,
and a President of a college or university |
by having a corrections curriculum appointed
by the Maryland State Board for Higher
Education. The Secretary of Public Safety
and Correctional Services, with the approval
of the Governor, appoints for terms of three
years, three correctional, parole or proba-
tion officers, each representing different geo-
graphical regions of the State.
The Deputy Secretary for Correctional
Services is the Chairman of the Commis-
sion. The Commission, with the approval of
the Secretary of Public Safety and Correc-
tional Services, appoints the Executive Di-
rector (Code 1957, 1971 Repl. Vol., Art.
41, sec. 70B).
Staff: 1975, 7; 1976, 8; 1977, 8.
Chairman: Joseph Pickus, 1978
George H. C. Arrowsmith, 1977; Marshall
M. Meyer, 1981.
Martin M. Moylan, Executive Director
601 Jackson Towers,
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 523-5000
The Criminal Injuries Compensation
Board was established by Chapter 455, Acts
of 1968 to serve the need for governmental
financial assistance to innocent victims of
crime. The Board consists of three members
appointed by the Governor by and with the
advice and consent of the Senate for five-
year terms. No more than two members may
belong to the same political party. One
member must have been admitted to the
practice of law in Maryland for not less
than five years prior to his appointment. The
Governor designates the Chairman. The
Board appoints the Executive Director
through the State Merit System.
The Board was established to fulfill the
legislature's intent that aid, care, and support
be provided by the State, as a matter of
moral responsibility for the innocent persons
suffering personal physical injury or death
as a result of criminal acts or in their efforts
to prevent crime or apprehend persons com-
mitting or attempting to commit crimes as
provided in the Act. The Board also estab- |