S. James Campbell; Richard W. Cooper;
John C. Geyer; Robert C. Harvey; M.
Gordon Wolman.
Mrs. Anne DeJong; P. Walten Hoye; Victor
P. Skruck; James T. Sturgis; Alvin H.
Wilson; Joseph A. Yockus.
Jack Barnhart; Lloyd M. Gerber; Paul C.
Helm; James R. Ritchie; Louis M. Simp-
Don A. Emerson; John Grant; R. Lamar
Green; Robert J. McLeod; Nicholas Pela-
John W. Barton; William K. Brendle;
Emerson R. Julian; Howard Taylor; John
S. Saladin; Vernon E. Unger.
Chapter 348, Acts of 1972 authorized the
appointment of a number of Advisory Corn-
missions to agencies of the Department of
Natural Resources. Each Commission con-
sists of five members all of whom are ap-
pointed by the Governor with the advice of
the Secretary of Natural Resources. Mem-
bers serve at the pleasure of the Governor
and must be knowledgeable in the area of
interest of the advisory commission to which
they are appointed. Each Advisory Com-
mission may select its own officers and has
the duty to advise the Secretary or the ad-
ministrator of the appropriate member
agency of the Department pursuant to regu-
lations adopted by the Secretary (Natural
Resources Article, sec. 1-102).
Under the direct supervision of the Of-
fice of the Secretary are the following serv-
ices: Program Planning and Evaluation, Ex-
tension Services, Public Information Serv-
ices, and General Administration. |
Program Planning and Evaluation is re-
sponsible for assisting the Secretary in the
coordination and direction of comprehensive
planning in the areas of natural resources
management. Extension Services are respon-
sible for education of the general public in
the use of natural resources. Public Infor-
mation Services is charged with the respon-
sibility of keeping the public accurately and
swiftly informed of policies and activities of
the Department of Natural Resources. The
Administration section is charged with fiscal
affairs, personnel, federal aid coordination,
data processing services, and management
of registration and tilling of boats.
Fred L. Eskew, Assistant Secretary
Tawes State Office Building,
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 267-5947
This program is responsible for land plan-
ning, acquisition, design and construction
activities of the Department of Natural Re-
sources. The program encompasses three
primary work responsibilities: 1 ) Waterways
Improvement; 2) Land and Property; and
3) Planning.
Waterways Improvement projects involve
dredging and marking of harbors and chan-
nels, clearing debris, aquatic vegetation and
other obstructions; and construction of ma-
rine facilities. Projects have been completed
in eighteen counties including dredging op-
erations, repair and construction of public
boat ramps, piers, wharves and bulkheads.
Fishing reefs have been created in bay
waters. Other projects include parking areas,
service roads, comfort stations, pilings, ma-
rine renovation and debris removal. The De-
partment establishes aids to navigation such
as channel markers, buoys and beacons.
The Capital Programs Administration has
accelerated Program Open Space at both
State and local levels. It encumbers money
for purchase of lands for parks, wildlife
areas, forests, natural environment areas
and fish management regions.
Planning projects include the completion
and publication of nine master plans.
Staff: 89. |