four-year terms by the Secretary of General
Services from lists of nominations submitted
by the Baltimore Chapter, the Potomac Val-
ley of Maryland Chapter, the Chesapeake
Bay Chapter, of the American Institute of
Architects (Code 1957, 1969 Repl. Vol.,
1975 Supp., Art. 78A, sec 23). The Board
advises the Secretary about specifications
related to proper architectural treatment of
proposed buildings. The Board also reviews
all architectural designs and drawings and
recommends any changes necessary to make
the proposed buildings functional and prac-
tical for the use intended.
Chairman: Oden Bowie
William S. James, Lillian B. Miller
Secretary: Carl N. Everstine
Sarah B. Hanan, Curator
Room 105 — State House,
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-3241
The Commission on Artistic Property,
originally appointed by the Governor with
the approval of the Board of Public Works,
was created by Chapter III, Acts of 1969.
It consists of four persons appointed by the
Secretary of General Services with the ap-
proval of the Governor to keep a continu-
ing inventory of valuable paintings and
other decorative arts in all State buildings
in the Annapolis area. The Commission also
provides for the location, proper care, cus-
tody, restoration, display and preservation
of these paintings and decorative arts. The
Commission is empowered, with the ap-
proval of the Secretary or the Governor, to
receive and accept gifts and loans of paint-
ings and other decorative arts. With the
approval of the Governor, the Commission
may accept gifts of money from any source,
public or private, and thereafter administer
and expend the funds according to the con-
ditions and terms of the gift. The Secretary,
with the approval of the Governor, appoints
one of the members to serve as Chairman.
All of the members serve at the pleasure
of the Secretary (Code 1957, 1969 Repl.
Vol., 1975 Supp., Art. 78A, sec. 52). |
John W. Peach, 1978 Chairman
George R. Lewis, Jonathan E. Moxiey,
Robert A. Sindall, Jr., 1978.
The General Professional Services Selec-
tion Board, established by Chapter 732,
Acts of 1974, consists of four permanent
members and one floating member. The
four permanent members are the Secretary
of General Services or his designee, one
member chosen by the Governor from with-
in the Department of General Services upon
recommendation of the Secretary, and two
members chosen by the Governor from the
general public, at least one of whom may
not be an engineer or architect. The public
members serve for a term of four years.
The floating member shall be the head of
the using authority which is presenting a
proposal to the Board for procuring archi-
tectural or engineering services.
The Board provides a method for grant-
ing architectural and engineering contracts
to assure their equitable award at the best
available price to the most competent archi-
tect or engineer (Code 1957, 1971 Repl.
Vol., 1975 Supp., Art. 41, sees. 231N to
Chairman: Meyer Sokolow, 1978
Appointed by the Secretary of General Serv-
ices: Thomas W. Simmons, 1977; Charles
A. Kreatchman, 1979; Norris J. Walbert,
1980; W. Leroy Maddox, 1981.
Appointed by the Mayor of Baltimore: Paul
C. Wolman, 1977; John A. Jarosinski,
1978; Robert B. Watts, 1979; John E.
Brandau, 1981; Ruth S. Levy, 1981.
Executive Secretary: Norman L. Gring
War Memorial Building,
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 685-7530
The War Memorial Commission, created
by Chapter 537, Acts of 1924, consists of
ten members, five of whom are appointed
by the Secretary of General Services, with
the approval of the Governor, and five who
are appointed by the Mayor of the City of
Baltimore. Each member serves a five-year |