erty taxes from the Clerks of the Courts, Registers of Wills, and County Treasurers, re-
spectively, of each county. Distribution of certain taxes and revenue is made to the cities,
towns and counties of the State and to other State agencies as prescribed by law (Code
1957, 1968 Repl. Vol., Art. 2B, sec 134; 1966 Repl. Vol., Art. 19, sees. 1-34; 1968
Repl. Vol., Art. 56, sees. 3-4, 137; 1969 Repl. Vol., Art. 78B, sec. 19; 1969 Repl. Vol.,
Art. 81, sees. 201, 323, 410, 433, 434, 460; 1969 Repl. Vol., Art. 89B, sees. 31, 32, 33,
Staff: 1975, 1066; 1976, 1087; 1977,1107.
State Appeal Board
Chairman: Philip Pear
George Manis, J. Elmer Thompson, Jr.
Vacancy, Secretary
State Treasury Building,
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-3311
The State Appeal Board was established
in 1933 as the "State License Bureau"
(Chapter 2, Acts of the Special Session,
1933). In 1947 the General Assembly
changed the name to the State Appeal
Board (Chapter 501, sec. 177, Acts of
1947). The Board is composed of three
members appointed by the Comptroller of
the Treasury subject to the approval of the
Governor. The Comptroller designates the
Chairman of the Board and the Board ap-
points a secretary. It hears appeals from
decisions of local licensing authorities in
Dorchester, Somerset and Wicomico coun-
ties (Code 1957, 1968 Repl. Vol., Art. 2B,
sees. 61, 70, 147, 154, 177, 184). The
Board meets for hearings and to hear ap-
peals within the time prescribed by law, at
the county seat of the county in which the
action originated. The appropriation for the
expenses of the Board is included in the
budget of Alcoholic Beverages Division,
Comptroller of the Treasury.
Board of Revenue Estimates
Bureau of Revenue Estimates
Louis L. Goldstein, Comptroller of
the Treasury
William S. James, State Treasurer
R. Kenneth Barnes, Secretary of
Budget and Fiscal Planning
Robert Rader, Chief, Bureau of Revenue
Estimates, Secretary
Treasury Building,
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-3882 |
The Board of Revenue Estimates and
the Bureau of Revenue Estimates were cre-
ated by Chapter 991, Acts of 1945. The
Board is composed of the Comptroller of
the Treasury, the State Treasurer, and the
Secretary of Budget and Fiscal Planning.
It studies the findings and recommendations
of the Bureau and then sends to the Gov-
ernor, for submission to the General As-
sembly, an itemized statement of antici-
pated revenues for the succeeding fiscal
year, together with its recommendations.
The Bureau studies and analyzes all sources
of revenue, prepares for the Board the find-
ings for the itemized statement of antici-
pated revenue, devises equitable and eco-
nomical means of collection of such reve-
nue, and devises and recommends new
sources of revenue.
The Chief of the Bureau of Revenue Es-
timates, in conjunction with the State
Comptroller's office, prepares and submits
to the members of the General Assembly
by the end of the months of January and
July in each year an itemized statement
showing the following information for the
six-month period ending on the next pre-
ceding December 31 or June 30, as the case
may be: (1) estimated revenue from all
sources, by funds, for the current budget
period; (2) collections for the next preced-
ing six-month period; and (3) amount of
revenues uncollected or over - collected
(Code 1957, 1971 Repl. Vol., Art. 41, sec.
194). The appropriation for the Bureau of
Revenue Estimates is included in the budget
of the Comptroller of the Treasury.
Staff: 4.
Committee to Study the State Debt
Chairman: Louis L. Goldstein
Members representing the State govern-
ment: William S. James, State Treasurer, |
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