taxable basis .............331,460
transportation facilities ......331-33
voter registration ..............647
zoning .....................331-33
Montrose School for Girls ........81,207
Monumental Medical Society
of Baltimore .................... 95
Morgan College ...................299
Morgan State College ...... 162, 299, 888
Morgan State College Board
of Visitors ......................297
Morrill Act (U.S.) ..................307
Morris Mechanic Theater, Baltimore .. 48
Mortgage loans .........190, 229-30, 235
Mosquito Control ..................245
Motion Picture Censors, Board of
see Censors, Maryland State
Board of
Motion picture machines, license
to operate .....................202
Motor carrier operations
regulated ...............62,268,269
Motor Carriers Act (U.S.) ............267
Motor Vehicle Administration, State:
description .................216-19
mentioned .48, 164, 170, 208, 253, 318
Special Assistant Attorney General 68
Motor Vehicle Administrator .........216
Motor Vehicle Fuel Dealer's Licenses .170
Motor Vehicle Laws Subcommittee,
House of Delegates ..............370
Motor Vehicles:
excise tax on tilling ............216
fuel tax ..............62,170,269
inspection ....................170
insurance and title
certificates .........216,219,253
laws ................167,253,266
registration and titling of .216-19,252
State fleet management ............322
Motor Vehicles. Commissioner ...... .216
see Motor Vehicle Administrator
Motor Vehicles, Department of . . . .48, 216
are Motor Vehicle Administration
Motor Vehicles Building:
Baltimore .................48,157
Glen Burnie ...............48,216
Mount Saint Mary's College .........888
Mount Savage, Allegany County .....475n
Mount Wilson Center ............47,79
Mount Wilson Center
Citizens Advisory Board .......... 93
Moving Picture Machine Operators,
Board of Examining:
description ...................202
mentioned ........... 187, 550, 550n
Moving Picture Operators' Union .....202 |
Municipal Corporation Charter Act . . . .555
Municipal Court of Baltimore City
see District Court of Maryland
Municipal Museum of the
City of Baltimore .......... .551, 551n
Museum of Negro History and Culture .301
Mutual savings institutions,
supervision over .............189,319
Narcotic laws .....................169
National Anthem Day......... .....864
National Association of
Intercollegiate Athletics ......,.,.301
National banks, assessment of . . .188, 265
National Board of Medical Examiners .103
National Committeemen:
Democratic ...................651
Republican ...................657
National Committeewomen:
Democratic ...................631
Republican ...................657
National Conference of Commissioners
on Uniform State Laws ...........419
National Council for the Accreditation
of Teacher Education ........297,301
National Council of State Boards of
Engineering Examiners ............204
National Defense Education Act
(U.S.) ..........................286
National Employ the Handicapped Week. 289
National Foundation on the Arts
and Humanities .................239
National Freeway .................. 45
National Governors' Conference ......320
National Guard, Maryland .....56,57,260
National Historic District ........49,241
National Historic Landmarks .....49,241
National League for Nursing ........104
National Preservation Act of
1966 (U.S.) .....................241
National Register of Historic Places
and Buildings ...................241
National Relations Officer,
Governor's ..................55,151
National Road ..................40,45
National Society of
Professional Engineers ...........320
Natural and Human Resources Sub-
committees, House of Delegates . . . .370
Natural Disaster Assistance Plan .....166
Natural environment areas . . .31, 117, 122
Natural gas, value of .............. ;31
Natural Resources, Department of:
mentioned .........54,237,250,276
Special Assistant Attorney General 67 |