Historical Sketch of 33 51
Insect 864
Judiciary 423 38
Legal Holidays 863
natural resources 3132
origin of name 34
Poet Laureate 864
population 31,874,88286,887
records 159 60
State Agencies 53,298
Song 40,865
Sport 864
Tree 865
Maryland Appellate Reports 423 432
Maryland At A Glance 31 32
Maryland Delaware Press
Association 890
Maryland Gazette 432
Maryland General Hospital
School of Nursing 889
Maryland Historical
Society 49, 60, 158, 459
Maryland Historical Trust
"See Historical Trust, Maryland
Maryland Institute 888
Maryland Library Association 284
Maryland Line 39
Maryland Manual 59,159
Maryland Municipal League 277, 324, 555
"Maryland My Maryland" 40 865
Maryland National Capital Park and
Planning Commission
description 33133
mentioned 517,517n,523523n
Maryland Reports 423,432
Maryland Washington Metropolitan
District 331 332
Maryland Washington Regional
District 331,332
Maryland Wing, Civil Air Patrol 60
Mason and Dixon Line 37
Mass Transit Administration
description 22122
mentioned 208
Mass Transit Commissions,
Washington Area 33435316
Master electrician licenses 194, 325
Master Electricians Study Commission 325
Master Plan of Highways 332
Master plumber licenses 203
Matapeake 119
Maternal and Child Health, State
Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene 91
Maximum Security Hospital 88
see also Clifton T Perkins
State Hospital
Maximum security prison 17475 |
Mayflower (ship) 34
Mayor, Baltimore City 545, 555, 858
Mayors, incorporated towns
and cities 555-59
McKeldin Library, University
of Maryland 283
Meat and Poultry Division,
Department of Agriculture 245
Meat inspection program 244 45, 247 50
Mechanic Theater, Baltimore 48
Medical Advisory Board Motor
Vehicle Administration 218
Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of
Maryland 10001 102,107,111,252,272
Medical Assistance Program 72, 77
Medical Board for Occupational
Diseases 27172
Medical Care
for indigent 77
programs 77,141
Veterans 146
Medical Care Program Administration,
State Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene
description 77
mentioned 72 77
Medical Discipline, Commission on
description 102 03
mentioned 72
Medical education 103
Medical Examiners, Board of
description 103
mentioned 72,102
Medical Examiners, Deputy
appointed 10809 468
duties 10809468
Medical School Deficiency Fund 60
Medicare Certification 72
Medicine, scholarships for 294
Medicine, University of Maryland School
of 95,97,10809,183,303,307,308
Medium security prison 175, 176
Memorial Hospital at Easton 889
Mental Health Advisory
Committees 87,468
see also officers listed in
various counties
Mental hospitals for children 88,90
Mental Hygiene, Board of 87
Mental Hygiene, Commissioner
of 86,96,10001
Mental Hygiene Administration
description 86 87
mentioned 72,77
Special Attorney 67
Mental institution licenses 86
Mental Retardation Administration,
State Department of Health and |