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Maryland Manual, 1973-74
Volume 176, Page 98   View pdf image (33K)
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1976; Dennis Pushkin, 1976; William Hugh Bagby, 1977; Maynard
Zenter, 1977; Thomas E. Forrest, 1978; Harvey Galin, 1978.
610 N. Howard Street, Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2757
The Bedding Advisory Board was created by Chapter 680, Acts of
1969, as part of the State Health Department, now the Department of
Health and Mental Hygiene. The Board consists of nine members, of
which the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene,
or his alternate, serves as the Chairman. The Secretary is designated
by the Commissioner. The remaining eight members are appointed by
the Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Senate for
five-year terms. Two members represent manufacturers of bedding;
two manufacturers of upholstered furniture; one must be a whole-
saler; one a supply dealer; one a retailer; and one represents the pub-
lic at large.
Environmental Health Services of the State Department of Health
and Mental Hygiene, has the responsibility of inspecting and super-
vising the manufacture and sale of all bedding and upholstered fur-
niture in the State. Environmental Health Services also licenses manu-
facturers, wholesalers, renovators, disinfectors and supply dealers
(Code 1957, 1971 Repl. Vol., Art. 43, sees. 65-67).
President: Lewis S. Tawney, Sr., D.C., 1974
Vice President: Richard K. Adolph, D.C., 1975
Secretary-Treasurer: Arnold R. Tolley, D.C., 1976
6308 Wisconsin Avenue, Chevy Chase 20015 Telephone: 652-4447
The State Board of Chiropractic Examiners, created by Chapter 666,
Acts of 1920, consists of three practicing chiropractors who must be
residents of the State and graduates of a resident course in chiroprac-
tic, and have practiced chiropractic in the State for a period of at least
five consecutive years. The Governor appoints one member each year
from a list of five names, including the incumbent member, submitted
to him by the Maryland Chiropractic Association. Such members serve
three-year terms (Code 1957, 1971 Repl. Vol., Art. 43, sees. 499-512;
1968 Repl. Vol., Art. 48A, sec. 489). The Board examines applicants
for licenses, investigates all complaints, and if necessary, reports them
to the State's Attorney.
The Board holds two examinations each year, in March and Septem-
ber. It has power to investigate and ascertain whether the several
schools of chiropractic meet the requirements of the law. Each person
holding a chiropractic license in Maryland must renew it annually
with the Secretary of the Board (Code 1957, 1968 Repl. Vol., Art. 48A,
sec. 489).
Appropriations 1973 1974
Special Funds ............... $5,347 $5,297
Staff: None.
President: Paul C. Vineyard, Jr., D.D.S., 1975
Sidney 0. Burnett, Jr., D.D.S., 1975; George S. August, D.D.S.,
1977; Francis A. Veltre, D.D.S., 1977; John Bata, D.D.S., 1979;
Ernest B. Nuttall, D.D.S., 1979; Kenneth W. Prentice, D.D.S., 1979.
Secretary: Gerson A. Freedman, D.D.S., 1977
6700 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore 21215 Telephone: 764-2094

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Maryland Manual, 1973-74
Volume 176, Page 98   View pdf image (33K)
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