Executive |
County Executive ..........
Executive Secretary ........ |
..... Dale Anderson ...................
..... Daniel L. Colosino ................
Morton Klasmer, Administrative
Assistant .... . ,,,., .......
James C. Pecunes, Administrative
Assistant ..................... |
,1974 |
Legislative |
County Council ............ |
..... Francis C. Barrett, 6th District, |
Chairman .. .. ,.
Francix X. Bossle, 1st District ...
Gary Huddles, 2nd District ......
G. Walter Tyrie, 3rd District .....
Webster C. Dove, 4th District ....
Harry J. Bartenfelder, 6th District
Wallace A. Williams, 7th District
Herbert Hohenberger, Secretary . . |
.1974 |
Auditor ................... |
Herbert W Wirts |
Administration |
County Administrative Officer |
.... Frederick L. Dewberry ..........
James F. Everett, Executive
Secretary .......... ..,,. ,. |
Board of Appeals .......... |
..... John A. Slowik, Chairman ........
Walter Reiter, Jr. ...............
W. Giles Parker .................
John A. Miller, Substitute member
Robert L. Gillard, Substitute
member ...................... |
.1975 |
Finance |
Director, Office of Finance . .
Director, Office of the Budget
Supervisor of Assessments . .
Property Tax Assessment |
..... Walter R. Richardson . .. .. .
"» . . . Stanley Guild, Jr. ................
..... James M. Barry ................. |
Appeal Board ............ |
.... .LeRoy B. Spurrier, Chairman ....
A. Dewey Zimmerman ...........
John Vogeler .................... |
.1975 |
Elections |
Board of Supervisors of Elections |
. Ross Hoffman .,.......,.....,.,.
Lawrence Kahl ..................
Joseph N. Karey* ............... |
.1973 |
Solicitor, Office of Law ..... |
. . . . . R. Bruce Alderman .............. |
Public Safety |
Chief, Police Bureau (20) ...... |
..... Ellison E. Ensor ................ |