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Maryland Manual, 1973-74
Volume 176, Page 206   View pdf image (33K)
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all races conducted by it during the year. The Fund is then used as a
purse for races involving Maryland-Bred horses (Code 1957, 1969
Repl. Vol., Art. 78B, sec. 16).
Chairman: James Crockett, 1975
Vice Chairman: William C. Harloff, 1977
Charles R. Wolfe, 1974; Robert Green, Jr., 1975; Albert L. Jones,
1975; John J. Moran, Jr. 1976; James C. Latham, 1977.
Charles G. Chambers, Executive Director
One South Calvert Street, Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 383-2130
The Real Estate Commission, originally established by Chapter 351,
Acts of 1939 had its membership expanded by Chapter 617, Acts of
1961, its composition redefined by Chapter 506, Acts of 1966, and its
composition further redefined by Chapter 653, Acts of 1971. The Com-
mission is composed of seven members, appointed by the Governor
with the advice of the Secretary of Licensing and Regulation, and the
advice and consent of the Senate. One member represents the Eastern
Shore; one, Central Maryland; one, Baltimore City; one, Southern
Maryland; one, Western Maryland; and two, the State at large. The
at large members must not be engaged in the real estate business. All
members must be citizens and residents of the area for which they
were appointed for not less than five years, and they must have been
actively engaged in the real estate business for ten years prior to
appointment, except the at large members. The Commission selects
its own Chairman and licenses all real estate agencies, brokers and
salesmen doing business in Maryland.
Each applicant for a real estate salesman's or broker's license must
complete courses relating to principles of real estate in order to qual-
ify for examination.
The Commission has the power to revoke, refuse, or suspend licenses
of any agency or person for violating the real estate laws or for
unethical conduct. The Real Estate Commission, by Chapter 648, Acts
of 1971 administers the Real Estate Guaranty Fund of Maryland,
which in essence bonds all licensees (Code 1957, 1972 Repl. Vol., Art.
56, sees. 212-232).
Appropriations 1973 1974
General Funds .............. $184,399 $188,321
Staff: 15.
The Real Estate Hearing Board was originally created by Chapter
89, Acts of 1968. The Real Estate Commission of Maryland may ap-
point, with the approval of the Secretary of Licensing and Regulation,
three of its members to sit as a real estate hearing board. The Com-
mission designates one of its members as the chairman of the board,
while all members of the Commission serve on this board on a rotating
The Commission may refer charges or complaints made by itself
or other persons under the provisions of Section 224 of Article 56
of the Code to a real estate hearing board for hearings on these mat-
ters. The board holds hearings on all matters referred to it and
submits its findings and recommendations to the Commission. The
exercise or performance of all powers, authority, duty and functions
vested in the Board by the law are subject to the power and authority

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Maryland Manual, 1973-74
Volume 176, Page 206   View pdf image (33K)
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