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MARYLAND DIVISION OF TOURISM Gilbert A. Crandall, Director Lester R. Trott, Economic Development Analyst IV State Office Building, Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 267-5517 The Division of Tourism was created by Chapter 527 of the Acts of 1970 to stimulate the development of the tourist business in Mary- land. The aim and objective of the Division is to increase Maryland's share of domestic and foreign travel business in order for the state to derive the fullest economic, social and cultural benefits that tourism generates. The primary function of the Division is to advertise, publicize and otherwise promote Maryland's historic, scenic and recreational attrac- tions and foster the development of new tourism facilities and services, as well as the expansion and improvement of existing" ones. It co- operates with statewide, regional and local programs aimed to increase pleasure travel and vacationing in Maryland, with primary emphasis on attracting out of state visitors. It advertises Maryland in mag- azines, newspapers and other media. It provides promotional publica- tions for tourists, conferences, conventions, students and teachers, national travel agents and information centers. The Division prepares and staffs exhibits at travel shows and exhibitions in the state's tourism market areas. Hundreds of thousands of promotional literature is produced and distributed annually. Travel news releases are written and placed in newspapers and on radio and TV. The Division co- operates with the United States Travel Service, the Discover America Travel Organizations, Inc., the American Society of Travel Agents and others concerned with the promotion of tourism, as well as the convention and sales meeting business (Code 1967, 1971 Repl. Vol., Art. 41, sec. 267E-h). Appropriations 1971 1972 General Funds .. $448,066 ^591,267 Staff: 14. COMMISSION ON NEGRO HISTORY AND CULTURE Chairman: Benjamin Quarles Vice Chairman: Saul M. Purdue Louis R. Harlan, Mary S. Johnson, Roger J. Johnson, Roland C. McConnell, George L. Russell, Jr. Franklin C. Showell, Executive Director 305 Jackson Towers, 1123 N. Eutaw Street, Baltimore 21201 Telephone; 728-1110 The Commission on Negro History and Culture was created by Chapter 435, Acts of 1969. The original Commission consisted of seven persons appointed by the Governor from among persons who are authorities on Negro history and culture. The Governor designated both the Chairman and the Vice Chairman. Chapter 672, Acts of 1971, created a new Commission consisting of nine members all ap- pointed by the Governor for three year terms. The Governor designates the Chairman and the Vice Chairman. The Commission is to conduct a study of all proposals to create a better understanding and knowledge of Negro history and culture and to make recommendations to the General Assembly and the Governor. These would include the unearthing, preservation and collection of per- tinent historical materials, the preparation of a catalog, and the |
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