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Maryland Manual, 1969-70
Volume 174, Page 566   View pdf image (33K)
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XXI. AND FURTHERMORE WE WILL, and by these Pres-
ents, for US, our Heirs and Successors, do grant unto the
aforesaid now Baron of BALTIMORE, his Heirs and As-
signs, and to the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the said
PROVINCE, both present and to come, and to every of them,
that the said PROVINCE, and the Freeholders or Inhabitants
of the said Colony or Country, shall not henceforth be held
or reputed a member or Part of the Land of Virginia, or of
any other Colony already transported, or hereafter to be
transported, or be dependent on the same, or subordinate
in any kind of Government, from which WE do separate
both the said PROVINCE, and Inhabitants thereof, and by
these presents do WILL to be distinct, and that they may be
immediately subject to our Crown of England, and depen-
dent on the same for ever.
XXII. AND if, peradventure, hereafter it may happen,
that any Doubts or Questions should arise concerning the
true Sense and Meaning of any Word, Clause, or Sentence,
contained in this our present CHARTER, WE will, charge
and command, THAT Interpretation to be applied, always,
and in all Things, and in all our Courts and Judica-
tories whatsoever, to obtain which shall be judged to be
the more beneficial, profitable, and favourable to the afore-
said now Baron of BALTIMORE, his Heirs and Assigns:
PROVIDED always, that no Interpretation thereof be made,
whereby GOD'S holy and true Christian Religion, or the
Allegiance due to US, our Heirs and Successors, may in any
wise suffer by Change, Prejudice, or Diminution; although
express Mention be not made in these Presents of the true
yearly Value or Certainty of the Premisses, or any Part
thereof, or of other Gifts and Grants made by US, our
Heirs and Predecessors, unto the said now Lord BALTI-
MORE, or any Statute, Act, Ordinance, Provision, Procla-
mation or Restraint, heretofore had, made, published, or-
dained or provided, or any other Thing, Cause, or Matter
Whatsoever, to the contrary thereof in any wise notwith-
XXIII. IN WITNESS whereof WE have caused these our
Letters to be made Patent. WITNESS OURSELF at
Westminster, the Twentieth Day of June, in the Eighth
Year of our Reign. (June 20, 1632) .*
* Text us printed in William Kilty, Laws of Maryland. Volume 1. Annapolis, 1799.

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Maryland Manual, 1969-70
Volume 174, Page 566   View pdf image (33K)
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