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Maryland Manual, 1969-70
Volume 174, Page 563   View pdf image (33K)
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pay, beyond which WE WILL that the Inhabitants of the
aforesaid PROVINCE of the said Land, called MARYLAND,
shall not be burdened.
XVI. AND FURTHERMORE, of our more ample special
Grace, and of our certain Knowledge, and mere Motion, WE
do, for US, our Heirs and Successors, grant unto the afore-
said now Baron of BALTIMORE, his Heirs and Assigns,
full and absolute Power and Authority to make, erect, and
constitute, within the PROVINCE of MARYLAND, and the
islands and Islets aforesaid, such, and so many Sea-Ports,
Harbours, Creeks, and other Places of Unlading and Dis-
charge of Goods and Merchandizes out of Ships, Boats, and
other Vessels, and of Lading in the same, and in so many,
and such places, and with such Rights, Jurisdictions, Liber-
ties, and Privileges, unto such Ports respecting, as to him
or them shall seem most expedient: And, that all and every
the Ships, Boats, and other Vessels whatsoever, coming to,
or going from the PROVINCE aforesaid, for the Sake of Mer-
chandizing, shall be laden and unladen at such Ports only
as shall be so erected and constituted by the said now Baron
of BALTIMORE, his Heirs and Assigns, any Usage, Cus-
tom, or any other Thing whatsoever to the contrary not-
withstanding. SAVING always to US, our Heirs and Suc-
cessors, and to all the Subjects of our Kingdoms of England
and Ireland, of US, our Heirs and Successors, the Liberty
of Fishing for Sea-Fish as well in the Sea, Bays, Straits
and navigable Rivers, as in the Harbours, Bays, and Creeks
of the PROVINCE aforesaid; and the Privilege of Salting and
Drying Fish on the Shores of the same PROVINCE ; and, for
that Cause, to cut down and take Hedging-Wood and Twigs
there growing, and to build Huts and Cabbins, necessary
in this Behalf, in the same Manner as heretofore they rea-
sonably might, or have used to do. Which Liberties and
Privileges, the said Subjects of US, our Heirs and Succes-
sors, shall enjoy, without notable Damage or Injury in any
wise to be done to the aforesaid now Baron of BALTI-
MORE, his Heirs or Assigns, or to the Residents and In-
habitants of the same PROVINCE in the Ports, Creeks, and
Shores aforesaid, and especially in the Woods and Trees
there growing. And if any Person shall do damage or In-
jury of this kind, he shall incur the Peril and Pain of
the heavy Displeasure of US, our Heirs and Successors, and
of the due Chastisement of the Laws, besides making Sat-
XVII. MOREOVER, WE will, appoint, and ordain, and by
these Presents, for US, our Heirs and Successors, do grant
unto the aforesaid now Baron of BALTIMORE, his Heirs

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Maryland Manual, 1969-70
Volume 174, Page 563   View pdf image (33K)
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