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Maryland Manual, 1969-70
Volume 174, Page 548   View pdf image (33K)
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Joseph N. Karey, Chairman........ - .. Baltimore
James H. Baker, Vice Chairman................... - Baltimore
Mrs. Wilmer Sauerbrey, Vice Chairman.. Towson
Charles Steinbock, Jr. Treasurer...............,-....... Baltimore
Henry Boyles .................................... . - - Towson
Marvin D. Bukowitz ...- Pikesville
Jack L. Brzowsky.... -...Dundalk
Robert Lee Bull...... -- .... Dundalk
Mrs. A. Collector... Long Green 21092
Sydney Captain _ _ - .Pikesville 21207
Richard Cornwell......... White Hall 21161
Ann Gawles ................ - Middle River 21220
William Glass ...................... ....Baltimore 21237
Robert Estes ............- -.....Dundalk 21222
Charles Heist, Jr. -..... - Baltimore 21221
Clarence Hoover Higgs..... - . .....Baltimore
Monroe Holley .............. ..- ..Kingsville 21087
George Jockel................... - Baltimore 21206
Philander C. Knox................. Lutherville 21093
Carlyle N. Montanye, Jr.. ............. Glyndon
David A. Rust.................. ............Baltimore
Arthur M. Stiles, Jr...... - ....Towson 21204
Ruth Pierce . ..... .. . - Baltimore
C. Paul Nelson.........- Baltimore 21236
Joseph K. Schrier...... Baltimore 21228
John Seiler ...._.......... ......,. - - .. Dundalk
S. Clayton Shores........... Baltimore 21229
Elfrida Steingaszner...... Towson
Kenneth F. Gerard, Chairman............... - Prince Frederick
Arleen 1. Mooradian, Secretary-Treasurer .....Huntington
Maurice T. Lusby ................... -. - - .Prince Frederick
W. E. Gerard (non-voting)...... ... - - ........... - Prince Frederick
John M. Shults, Chairman - Marydel
Charles V. Moore...........- -. Denton
W. Carlos Mosley.....- Ridgely
Homer O. Schmidt... - Federalsburg
Elbert Todd .................... Preston
John M. Saulsbury........... - Ridgely
Alvie G. Spencer, Jr., Chairman.... - - - Westminster
Mrs. John W. Fringer, Secretary... - Westminster
Stanley H. Tevis, Jr. Treasurer. Westminster
Elizabeth L. Baumgardner.......... - ...Taneytown
Lynn V. Fisher........ -...... Westminster
Roland Gosnell, Jr......... - . - ..........Mt. Airy
Janet Beamer Jump.......... Westminster
Mrs. James A. Scott Union Bridge
Dorothy Sumey .___....- _ -... Sykesville
Willard C.Uhler _.... - -Hampstead

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Maryland Manual, 1969-70
Volume 174, Page 548   View pdf image (33K)
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