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Maryland Manual, 1969-70
Volume 174, Page 368   View pdf image (33K)
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schools; U. S. Military Academy, B.S., 1932; Army War College.
Retired army officer and stock broker. Married. Member of the House
of Delegates since 1966. 1
EDWARD HOMER WHITE, JR., Democrat, Wicomico County; born
in Salisbury, April 6, 1911. Attended Salisbury public schools; William
and Mary College. Served as 1st Sergeant, 722nd M.P. Battalion, in
the European theater, World War II. Member, State Planning Com-
mission since 1959. Chairman, State Water Study Commission, 1959-62.
Vice Chairman, Civil Defense Advisory Council, 1949-62. Member,
Wicomico County Democratic Club; Rotary Club. Married. Member of
the House of Delegates since 1947. Permanent Chairman, Democratic
caucus, 1965-63. Chairman, Aviation Committee, 1952-55. Chairman,
Civil Defense Committee, 1949-52, 1963-66. Chairman, Agriculture and
Natural Resources Committee, 1956-62. Speaker Pro Tern, 1961-1968
Sessions. Resigned, July 22, 1969.
JOHN A. WHITNEY, Republican, Montgomery County 1st; born in
Cincinnati, Ohio, January 25, 1932. Attended Ohio public schools;
Williams College, B.A., 1953; Harvard Law School, LL.B., 1956. Ad-
mitted to the Maryland Bar, 1965. Served in the U. S. Navy, 1956-59.
Member, American, Maryland and District of Columbia Bar Associa-
tions; American Judicature Society; Bethesda Presbyterian Church.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1967.
DAVID J. WILLIAMS, Republican, Allegany County; born in
Borden Shaft, May 29, 1908. Attended Allegany County and McKee's
Rocks, Pa., public schools. Shipping Clerk. Member, Allegany County
Republican State Central Committee, 1954-68. Substitute Trial Mag-
istrate, 1956-58. Midland Town Clerk, 1960-62. Member, Official Board,
Midland United Methodist Church; Midland Volunteer Fire Company;
Knights of Pythias; Masons; Order of the Eastern Star; Past Matrons
and Past Patrons Association; Shrine. Married. Member of the House
of Delegates, 1957-59, 1963-67, and since 1969. 2
C. LAWRENCE WISER, Democrat, Montgomery County 3rd; born
in Berwyn Heights, Prince George's County, August 3, 1930. Attended
Prince George's County and Washington, D. C., public schools; Uni-
versity of Maryland, B.S., 1952; The George Washington University,
LL.B., 1958, LL.M., 1960. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1958. Served
with the U. S. Air Force, 1952-54. Chairman, Montgomery County
Tydings for Senate Campaign, 1964. President, Montgomery County
Young Democratic Club. Vice president. Western Suburban Demo-
cratic Club. Member, executive committee. Young Democratic Club of
Maryland. Delegate, Allied Civic Group. Member, board of directors,
Bethesda Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce. Delegate, Montgomery
County Council of PTAs. President, Stoneybrook Civic Association.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1967.
FREDERICK C. WRIGHT III, Democrat, Washington County; born
in Hagerstown, September 4, 1938. Attended public schools of Hagers-
town and Alexandria, Va.; University of Virginia, B.S., 1960; Univer-
sity of Virginia Law School, LL.B., 1963. Served in the U. S. Army.
President, Young Democrats of Washington County. Member, Wash-
ington County Bar Association; American Judicature Society. Member,
board of directors, Hagerstown Jaycees; Mason-Dixon Council, Boy
1 Appointed to the House of Delegates, February 28, 1966, vice W. Ferry Doing,
2 Appointed to the House of Delegates, November 4, 1957, vice Samuel M, Barry,
deceased. Appointed to the House of Delegates, January 2, 1969, vice J. Glenn
Beall, Jr., resigned,

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Maryland Manual, 1969-70
Volume 174, Page 368   View pdf image (33K)
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