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Maryland Manual, 1969-70
Volume 174, Page 365   View pdf image (33K)
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ciation. Member, Citizens Planning and Housing Association; Balti-
more Association for Histadrut; Chamber of Commerce; Metropolitan
Civic Association; Safety First Club of Maryland, Airplane Owners
and Pilots Association. Vice president, Both Tfilon PTA. President,
Midfield Improvement Association. Member. B'nai B'rith; Masons;
Grotto; Boy Scouts of America. Married. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1967.
FRANCIS J. SANTANGELO, SR., Democrat, Prince George's
County 2nd; born in Philadelphia, Pa., March 3, 1919. Attended public
and parochial schools of Washington, D. C. and Philadelphia, Pa.
General insurance broker. Served in. the U. S. Army during World
War II. Member, County Commissioners Youth Council; Citizens
Democratic Club. President, Kent District Democratic Club. Member,
Prince George's County Democratic Organization Executive Commit-
tee; Executive Committee of Democratic Steering Committee of Prince
George's County, Past vice president, Columbus Civic League. Mem-
ber, Lido Civic Club; Knights of Columbus; Veterans of Foreign
Wars; Kentland Citizens Association. Past president and organizer,
Kentland Athletic Boys Club. Former member and present honorary
member, Kentland Volunteer Fire Department. Chairman, Board of
Directors, Kent District Rescue Squad. Widower. Member of the House
of Delegates since 1967.
PAUL S. SARBANES, Democrat, Baltimore 2nd; born m Salis-
bury, Wicomico County, February 3, 1933. Attended Wicomico County
public schools; Princeton University, B.A., magna cum laude, 1954;
Oxford University, Rhodes scholarship, M.A., 1957; Harvard Law
School LL.B., cum laude, 1960. Admitted to the Maryland Bar 1960.
Law Clerk to the Honorable Morris A. Soper, U. S. Circuit Judge,
Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, 1960-61. Assistant to the
Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers. 1962-63. Executive
Director, Baltimore City Charter Revision Committee, 1963-64. Execu-
tive Director, Maryland Citizens for Johnson and Humphrey, 1964.
State Coordinator, Maryland Committee for Robert F. Kennedy for
President, 1968. Member, American, Maryland, Baltimore City and
Junior Bar Associations. Married. Member of the House of Delegates
since 1967.
R. WILSON SCARFF, Republican, Harford County; born in Fall-
ston, June 16, 1926. Attended Harford County public schools. Merchant.
Served with the U. S. Army, 19&1-53. Past president, Young Republi-
can Club of Harford County. Member, official board, Fallston Metho-
dist Church. Director, Maryland Tuberculosis Association. Member,
Grange; Fallston Ruritan Club. Unmarried. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1963.
JOSEPH J. SCHIRANO, Democrat, Baltimore County 5th; born in
Berwick, Pa., August 25, 1918. Attended Old Forge, Pa. public schools;
La Salle University. Owner of candy, tobacco and drug company.
Trial Magistrate, Baltimore County, 1960-66. President, Baltimore
County Businessmens' Association. Director, Maryland Wholesale
Tobacco Association, Inc. Past president, Maryland Wholesale Con-
fectioners Association. Member, National Wholesale Association of
Tobacco Distributors; National Candy Wholesalers Association; Trial
Magistrates Association; Essex-Middle River Chamber of Commerce.
Director, Beacon Life Insurance Co.; Member, Knights of Columbus;
Fourth Degree, Knights of Columbus. Married. Member of the House
of Delegates since 1967.

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Maryland Manual, 1969-70
Volume 174, Page 365   View pdf image (33K)
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