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Maryland Manual, 1969-70
Volume 174, Page 354   View pdf image (33K)
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WERNER H. FORNOS, Democrat, Anne Arundel County 6-C; born
in Leipzig, Germany, November 5, 1933. Attended public schools in
Newton, Mass., University of Maryland, B.S., 1966. Employee of Pan
American World Airways. Served, in the U. S. Army, 1.964-68. Deputy
Assistant Manpower Administrator of the U. S., 1966. Delegate, Mary-
land Constitutional Convention, 1967-68. Chairman, Non-Partisan Voter
Registration of Anne Arundel County, 1966. Member, Young Demo-
crats of Anne Arundel County; Sigma Delta Chi; Ruritan Club;
Kiwanis Club of Annapolis; National Press Club. Chairman, Advisory
Board, Southern States Farm Cooperative. President, University Col-
lege Alumni Association. Vice president. Community Chest of Anne
Arundel County. Selected as Annapolis' Young Man of the Year, 1968,
and as one of Maryland's Five Outstanding Young Men, 1968. Married.
Member of the House of Delegates since 1967.
HENRY J. FOWLER, Democrat, St. Mary's County; born in
Mechanicsville, August 6, 1909. Attended St. Mary's County public
schools; Charlotte Hall Military Academy. Farmer. Served with the
U. S. Army, 1942-45. Member, board of directors, St. Mary's County
Historical Society; Red Cross; United Givers Fund; Farm Bureau; St.
Mary's County Fair Board; Mechanicsville Volunteer Fire Depart-
ment. Director, Maryland Jousting Association. Member, Mechanics-
ville Lions Club; Knights of Columbus; Southern Maryland Society.
Member of the Senate, 1962-63. 1 Member of the House of Delegates,
1961-66, 1969-62, and since 1963. Chairman, Protocol and Entertain-
ment Committee, 1969 Session.
GEORGE W. FREEBERGER, Democrat, Baltimore 6th; born in
Baltimore, February 29, 1936. Attended Baltimore public schools.
Deputy sheriff. President, Sixth District Hilltop Democratic Club.
Member, Stonewall Democratic Club; Maryland Law Enforcement
Association. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1967.
SOL J. FRIEDMAN, Democrat, Baltimore 6th; born in Baltimore,
March 20, 1919. Attended Baltimore public schools; University of
Baltimore, LL.B., 1946. Member of the Maryland Bar. Former Unit
Chief in Enforcement Section, OPA. Member, Governor's Commission
to Study Workmen's Compensation Laws. Member, American Bar
Association; Junior Bar Association of Baltimore City; National As-
sociation of Claimants' Compensation Attorneys; Knights of Pythias;
Elks; Masons; Shrine; B'nai B'rith. Married. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1965. Chairman; Labor Committee, 1963-67. Member,
Committee on Legislative Review, 1965 Session. Chairman, Motor
Vehicles Committee, 1967 Session.
GILBERT R. GIORDANO, Democrat, Prince George's County 3rd;
born in New Haven, Conn., April 1, 1928. Attended public schools in
Connecticut; The Catholic University of America, A.B., 1960; George-
town Law School, LL.B., 1953; LL.M., 1956. Admitted to the Mary-
land Bar. 1961. Served in the U. S. Navy, 1963-66. Member, Prince
George's County Cultural Commission; Maryland and Prince George's
County Bar Associations; Phi Beta Kappa; Pi Gamma Mu. Chairman
of the board, United Bank and Trust Company of Maryland. Past
Grand Knight, Bishop Byrne Council, Knights of Columbus. Past
president, Hillcrest Lions Club. Married. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1967.
WILLIAM J. GOODMAN, Democrat, Prince George's County 2nd;
born in Poyen, Arkansas. January 22, 1930. Attended Los Angeles,
California public schools. Telephone service engineer. Served with
1 Appointed to the Senate, August 15. 1962, vice Walter B. Dorsey, resigned.

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Maryland Manual, 1969-70
Volume 174, Page 354   View pdf image (33K)
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