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Maryland Manual, 1965-66
Volume 172, Page 726   View pdf image (33K)
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1819—Stevenson Archer, Thomas Bayly, Thomas Culbreth, Joseph
Kent, Peter Little, Raphael Neale, Samuel Ringgold,
Samuel Smith, Henry R. Warfield.
1821—Thomas Bayly, Jeremiah Cosden (34)" Philip Reed," Joseph Kent,
Peter Little, Raphael Neale, John Nelson, Samuel Smith,"
Isaac McKim (37)," Henry R. Warfield, Robert Wright.
1823—William Heyward, Jr., Joseph Kent, John Lee, Peter Little,
Isaac McKim, (38) George E. Mitchell, Raphael Neale, John S.
Spence, Henry R. Warfield.
1825—John Barney, Clement Dorsey, Joseph Kent," John G. Weems (40)"
John L. Kerr, Peter Little, Robert N. Martin, George E.
Mitchell, George Peter, Thomas C. Worthington.
1827—John Barney, Clement Dorsey, Levin Gale, John L. Kerr, Peter
Little, Michael G. Sprigg, George G. Washington, John C.
Weems, Ephraim K. Wilson.
1829—Elias Brown, Clement Dorsey, Benjamin C. Howard, George E.
Mitchell, Benedict J. Semmes, Richard Spencer, Michael
C. Sprigg, George G. Washington, Ephraim K. Wilson.
1831—Benjamin G. Howard, Daniel Jenifer, John L. Kerr, George E.
Mitchell," Charles S. Sewall," Benedict J. Semmes, John S.
Spence, Francis Thomas, George C. Washington, John
T. H. Worthington.
1833—Richard B. Carmichael, Littleton Purnell Dennis," John N.
Steele," James P. Heath, William Cost Johnson, Isaac
McKim, John T. Stoddert, Francis Thomas, James Turner.
1836—John N. Steele, James Alfred Pearce, James Turner, Benjamin G.
Howard, Isaac McKim, George C. Washington, Francis
Thomas, Daniel Jenifer.
1837—John Dennis, James Alfred Pearce, John T. H. Worthington, Ben-
jamin C. Howard, Isaac McKim" John P. Kennedy,"
William Cost Johnson, Francis Thomas, Daniel Jenifer.
1839—John Dennis, Philip Francis Thomas, John T. H. Worthington,
Solomon Hillen, Jr., James Carroll, William Cost Johnson,
Francis Thomas, Daniel Jenifer.
1841—Isaac D. Jones, James Alfred Pearce, James W. Williams,"
Charles S. Sewall," John P. Kennedy, Alexander Randall,
William Cost Johnson, John Thomson Mason, Augustus R.
"Served until March 19, 1822; succeeded by Philip Reed, who contested his
" Successfully contested the election of Jeremiah Cosden, and took his «eat
March 19, 1822.
"Resigned December 17, 1822, before the commencement of the Eighteenth Con-
gress, to which he had been elected, having been elected Senator.
" Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Samuel Smith, and took his
seat January 8, 1828.
38 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Representative-elect Samuel
Smith, in preceding Congress,
39 Resigned January 6, 1826, having been elected governor.
40 Elected to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Joseph Kent, and took his Beat
February 7, 1826.
41 Died June 28, 1832.
42 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of George E. Mitchell, and took his
seat December 3, 1832.
43 Died April 14, 1834.
44 Elected, to fill vacancy cased by death of Lilttleton Purnell Dennis, and took
his seat June 9. 1884.
45"Died April 1. 1838.
46" Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Isaac McKim, and took his »eat
April 80, 1838.
47 Died December 2, 1842.
48 Elected to fill vacancy caused by death of James W. William, and took his
seat January 7, 1848.

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Maryland Manual, 1965-66
Volume 172, Page 726   View pdf image (33K)
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