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Maryland Manual, 1965-66
Volume 172, Page 464   View pdf image (33K)
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Office Name Expires
Airport Zoning Board" Donald H. Connolly, Chairman 1966
Airport Zoning Appeals Board'" Walter Albrecht, Chairman 1968
Board of Electrical Examiners
and Supervisors' George Winters, President 1967
Board of Examining Engineers'" Roscoe Eminizer, Chairman 1967
Board of Examining Moving
Picture Machine Operators" Meyer Leventhal, President 1967
Board of License Commissioners Jerome A, Dashner 1965
Leroy Frederick 1965
Frank J. Hanson 1965
Board of Bail Bond License
Commissioners" Thomas B. Sprague, Chairman 1968
Internal Administration"
Civil Service Commission" Norman P. Ramsey, Chairman 1967
Committee on Municipal
Employee Relations" Inactive
Retirement Systems of the
City of Baltimore (44) Hyman A. Pressman, Comptroller,
Chairman of the Board of
Trustees, ex officio
Philip Wagner, Secretary
Extension Service
Extension Agents Margaret E. Holloway
Martha T. Andrews
Ethel L. Bianchi
Miscellaneous Boards and Commissions
Civic Center Commission" Harry B, Cummings, Chairman 1970
Douglas S. Tawney,
Executive Director . - ..
Commission on Human Relations" William C. Rogers, Chairman
Bureau of Kosher Meat
and Food Control" Inactive
35 Composed of 5 members 2 appointed by the Mayor 2 by the Aline Arundel County
Commissioners, I by the Airport Zoning Board, all for 4 year overlapping terms
36 Composed of 5 members, 2 appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City
Council, S by the Anne Arundel Country Executive all for 4 year overlapping terms
'" Most licenses required under the city code are issued by the Assistant Cashier in
Bureau of Receipts in the office of the Treasurer Licenses required under the State code
are issued by the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas
38 Composed of 5 members appointed by the Governor for 2 yearl terms.
39 Composed of 3 members appointed by the Governor for 2 year terms
*" Composed of 5 members appointed by the Mayor for 4 year terms.
41 Other departments of internal administration are within the Comptroller's office
42 Composed of 3 members appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council
for 6 year overlapping terms
" Appointed by the Mayor for indefinite terms
•" The Board of Trustees is composed of S members 2 appointed by the Mayor with the
consent of the City Council 2 elected by the membership all for 4 year overlapping terms.
45 Composed of 5 members appointed by the Mayor for staggered 5 year terms
46 Composed of 7 members appointed by the Mayor for overlapping 6 year terms
47 Composed of 6 members appointed by the Mayor for 3 year staggered terms

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Maryland Manual, 1965-66
Volume 172, Page 464   View pdf image (33K)
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