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Maryland Manual, 1965-66
Volume 172, Page 461   View pdf image (33K)
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Office Name Expires
Auditor (5a) Howard C. Beck, Jr.
Director of Assessments(5b)' John G. Arthur
Supervisor of Assessments - Robert L. Mainen. _ _ _
Commissioners of Finance" John E Weyer, President 1967
Fiscal Adviser' Janet L. Hoffman - -
Board of Supervisors of
Elections - Betty M. Silbert 1965
Henry W. Stichel, Jr. - 1966
Marshall W Jones, Jr. 1967
Permanent Board of Registry Ellen W. Meyer - - -
Kathleen Schelhause
Jane Lego
Rose Zoltowski
City Solicitor" Joseph Allen - -- - -1967
Director, Department of
Legislative Reference" Carl N. Everstine
Public Safety
Police Commissioner" - Bernard J. Schmidt 1967
Jail Board" - Harry Kaufman, Chairman - 1965
Director of Probation, Supreme
Bench of Baltimore City" William L. Quirk -
Chief Medical Examiner Russell S. Fisher, M D.
Fire Commissioners" Stanley Scherr, President 1967
James J. Lacy, Jr. 1967
Charles A. Masson. 1967
Commissioner of Transit and
Traffic James L. Foley, Jr. - 1967
Director of Civil Defense Paul E. Tignor
Mayor's Advisory Committee
on Civil Defense" - .Stanley Scherr, Chairman
Health, Education and Welfare
Commissioner of Health" Robert E. Farber, M.D. 1968
Physical Fitness Commission - Harry D. Kaufman, Chairman
5a Appointed by the Comptroller
5b Appointed by the Mayor within the Civil Service system
"6 Composed of 5 members, i appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City
Council for 4 year terms 3 appointed ex officio
7 Appointed by the Board of financial Review which is composed of 5 (.x officio
members including the President of the City Council and the Chairman of the Budget and
Finance Committee of the City Council
8 Appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council for a 4 year term
"Appointed by the Board of Legislative Reference which is composed of 5 ex officio
members, including the Mayor and the City Solicitor
10 Appointed by the Governor for a 6 year term
11 Composed of / members, 6 appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City
Council, for 4 year overlapping terms I ex officio
" Appointed by the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City
13 Appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council
14 Composed of II members appointed by the Mayor
" Appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council for a 6 year term.

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Maryland Manual, 1965-66
Volume 172, Page 461   View pdf image (33K)
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