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240 MARYLAND MANUAL of Mammalogy, Vol. 43, No. 2, May 29, 1962, pp. 272-273. 218: Age, Growth, and Food of the Oyster Toadfish Near Solomons, Maryland, by Frank J. Schwartz and Ben W. Butcher. Reprinted from Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, Vol. 92, No. 2, April 1963, pp. 170-173. 219: Preparation of Chilled Meat from Gulf and Atlantic Blue Crab. 223: Natural Occurrence of Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae in an Opossum, (27440), by L. B. Evans, G. E. Wood, V. Flyger, A. D. Alexander, R. H. Yager, and H. L. Rubin. 228: Revision of Genus Haplosporidium and Restoration of Genus Minchima Haplosporidia, Haplospondudae, by Victor Sprague. Reprinted from the Journal of Pro- tozoology, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1963, pp. 263-266. 229: Handling Wild Mammals with a New Tranquilizer, by Vagn Flyger. Reprinted from Transactions of the Twenty-sixth North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, March 6, 7, and 8, 1961, pp. 280-233. 230: Occurrence and Significance of Chitinoclastic Bacteria in Pelagic Waters and Zooplankton, by Donald W. Lear, Jr. Reprinted from Symposium on Marine Microbiology, compiled and edited by Carl H. Oppen- heimer. 231: Effects of a Foreign Body on the Whistling Swan, Olor Columbianus, by Theodore Will. Printed in Chesa- peake Science, June 1963, p. 106. 232: Benthic Survey for Populations of Soft-Shelled Clams. Mya arenaria in the Lower Potomac River, Maryland, by H. T. Pfitzenmeyer and K. G. Drobeck. Printed in Chosa-peake Science, June 1963, pp. 67-74. 233: Ecological Population Expansion of the Introduced Crayfish Oronectes virilis, by Frank J. Schwartz, Rob- ert Rubelmann and James Allison. Reprinted from the Ohio Journal of Science, Vol. 63, No. 6, November 1963, pp. 266-273. 234: Minchinia Louisiana n. sp. (Haplosporidia, Haplospo- ridiidae). A Parasite of Panopeus herbstii, by Victor Sprague. Reprinted from the Journal of Protozoology, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 267-274. 235: Comments on "Microecological Factors in Oyster Epi- zootics", by Marshall Laird, Carl N. Shuster, Jr., and Robert F. Hillman. Printed in Chesapeake Science, June 1963, pp. 101-103. 236: Eggs, Larvae, and Young of the White Perch, Roccus americanus, with Comments on Its Ecology in the Estuary, by Romeo J. Mansueti. Printed in Chesa- peake Science, March-June 1964, pp. 3-45. 237: A Cleaning Symbiosis Between the Rainwater Fish, Lucania parva and the Stickleback, Apeltes quadracus, by A. V. Tyler. Printed in Chesapeake Science, June 1963, pp. 105-106. 238: The Barrelfish from Chesapeake Bay and The Middle Atlantic Bight, with Some Comments on Its Zoography. Printed in Chesapeake Science, September 1963. |
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