John Johnson - 1806
John Montgomery „ 1811
Luther Martin' . „ _ . - 1818
Thomas Beale Dorsey 1822
Thomas Kell ------- - - --- 1824
Roger Brooke Taney 1827
Josiah Bayly 1831
George R. Richardson ----- - - 1846
Robert J. Brent' 1861
Alexander Randall . -- ----1866
Isaac D. Jones - - - - - -- 1867
Andrew K. Syester ---- ----- 1871
Charles J. M. Gwinn --- - -- 1876
Charles Boyle Roberts 1883
William Pinkney Whyte - - 1887
John P. Poe-- - -,-- 1891
Harry M. Clabaugh --- -- --- 1895
George R Gaither, Jr - - - 1899
Isidor Rayner - - - - - -1899
William S. Bryan, Jr. - - - 1903
Isaac Lobe Strauss - - - 1907
Edgar Allan Poe 1911
Albert C. Ritchie* ------ - -- - -- 1915
Ogle Marbury --- -- -- 1918
Alexander Armstrong - - .... 1919
Thomas H. Robinson - - -- - .1923
Wm. Preston Lane, Jr.- -- - 1930
Herbert R. 0 'Conor - -- -- .1934
William C. Walsh - - - 1938
William Curran . - - .1946
Hall Hammond - . - - 1946
Edward D. E. Rollins - - 1952
C. Ferdinand Sybert - -- -- - ---- 1954
Thomas B. Finan - - - 1961
Allegany County—Thomas Perry, Alfred Spates, William Walsh, J.
Philip Roman, Jacob Hoblitzell, Thomas J McKaig
Anne Arundel County—James R Howison, Thomas 1. Hall, E. G.
Kilbourn, Luther Giddings.
Baltimore City—1st Legislative Dist—Lindsay H. Rennolds, Ezra
Whitman, John H. Bames, Isaac S. George, Joshua Vansant,
Edward F Flaherty, James A. Henderson
Baltimore City—2d Legislative Dist —George M. Gill, George Wm.
Brown, Bernard Carter, Albert Ritchie, Henry F. Garey, George
W. Dobbin, J. Hall Pleasants.
Baltimore City—3d Legislative Dist—James R Brewer, John Ferry,
J. Montgomery Peters, John Franck, Jos P Merryman, 1. M.
Denson, Walter S Wilkinson
Baltimore County—Chas A. Buchanan, John Wethered, Ephraim Bell,
Anthony Kennedy, Samuel W. Starr, Charles H. Nicolai, Robert
G. Barry.
i During the physical incapacity of Luther Martin 182023 the Governor ap
pointed Nathaniel Williams Assistant Attorne} Geneial to act as Attorney General
^TTie office of Attorney (reneial wis abolished by tie Constitution of 1851 but
was re (stabli^hed bs the Constitution of 1864 (^rt V Sec 1)
^ During Ritchie's absence, June 1918 January 1919 the Assistant Attorney
(reneral, Ogle Marbury became Acting Attorney Geneial