He was elected Governor of Maryland in 1958 by the greatest
majority ever given a candidate for that office. He was re-elected to
a second four-year term in 1962.
Daring its first five years, the Administration of Governor Tawes
has been characterized by a consistent regard for the fiscal integrity
of the State and a strong desire to insure that State Government
operations are made more responsive to the needs of the citizens of
Prudent fiscal management has permitted an unprecedented expan-
sion of State services. At the same time, financial assistance to hard-
pressed counties, cities and towns has been increased substantially.
During his tenure in office, the Governor secured enactment of legis-
lation regulating the savings and loan industry in Maryland, creating
the Municipal Court in Baltimore City, establishing the State Depart-
ment of Economic Development and providing for the construction of
a 500-mile network of arterial highways criss-crossing the State.
To provide for the expansion of Maryland's facilities for higher
education, the concept of teachers colleges was abandoned and these
institutions became Colleges of the Arts and Sciences. An Advisory
Council on Higher Education was established to study Maryland's
needs in this area. Provisions were also made for the anticipated
construction of branches of the University of Maryland in various
sections of the State.
Under the leadership of Governor Tawes, Maryland became the first
State south of the Mason-Dixon Line to enact a public accommoda-
tions act. Directives were issued by the Governor prohibiting discrimi-
nation on the basis of race, creed or color in State employment and
by contractors doing business with the State government. Maryland's
Workmen's Compensation laws were liberalized, a Coordinating Com-
mission on Problems of the Aging was established and, in 1963,
Maryland's traffic safety program was cited as being among the best
in the Nation.
To provide for the orderly growth and development of the Balti-
more Metropolitan area, the Governor initiated and supported legisla-
tion creating the Baltimore Regional Planning Council and invested
that body with broad powers. To rehabilitate the oyster industry, the
State, under Governor Tawes, initiated a broad scale oyster shell
planting program which experts predict will revitalize this industry.
To meet the competition of surrounding states, horse racing on one-
mile tracks in Maryland was strengthened by the transfer of racing
dates from half-mile and harness tracks. Legislation was enacted
providing for the gradual elimination of slot machines from Maryland,
and thousands of acres have been added to the State park system.
Under Governor Tawes, three of Maryland's mental institutions,
Spring Grove, Crownsville and Springfield, regained accreditation, and
Henryton Hospital was converted into an institution for mental
retardates. In 1962, a new headquarters for the Department of Motor
Vehicles was opened in Glen Burnie, and the Baltimore Beltway was
completed. Vast segments of the Capital Beltway surrounding Wash-
ington, D. C„ have been completed, the Northeastern Expressway,
linking Baltimore with the Delaware line, has been opened and the
Old Center Building at Spring Grove Hospital has been replaced by
a complex of modern hospital units.
Many State agencies have been reorganized to improve efficiency,
including the State Roads Commission, the State Racing Commission,