transportation. Member, Baltimore County Democratic State Central
Committee since 1962, Member, 4th District Democratic Club. Past
president, Baltimore County Taxicab Association. Member, Elks;
Moose. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1963.
ALEXANDER STARK, Democrat, Baltimore 5th; born in Baltimore,
January 19, 1917. Attended Baltimore public schools; University of
Baltimore, LL.B., 1934. Member of the Maryland Bar. Served with the
U.S. Navy, 1942-45. Assistant City Solicitor, 1949-52. Assistant State's
Attorney, 1952-54. Member, Governor's Commission on Adoption Law
Revision, 1954. Member, Maryland and Baltimore Bar Associations.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1959.
ROY NEVILLE STATEN, Democrat, Baltimore County; born at
Sandidges, Virginia, June 20, 1913. Attended public and private schools
in Virginia; Virginia Commercial College. Accountant, Division Chief,
Bethlehem Shipbuilding. Served three years in U. S. Army. Member,
Lions, Moose. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1953. 1
NORMAN R. STONE, JR., Democrat, Baltimore County; born in
Baltimore, September 8, 1935. Attended Baltimore public schools;
University of Baltimore; University of Baltimore Law School,
LL.B., 1960. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1960. Committing Magis-
trate, Baltimore County. President, North Point Improvement As-
sociation. Member, North Point Optimist Club. Married. Member of
the House of Delegates since 1963.
JEROME J. SWARTZ, Democrat, Prince George's County; born in
Minnersville, Pa., August 20, 1919. Attended Minnersville parochial
and public schools; Strayer College of Accountancy, B.C.S., 1948.
Certified public accountant. Member of the faculty of Strayer Junior
College of Finance. Served with the U. S. Air Force during World
War II. Member, Maryland Physical Fitness Commission. Treasurer,
Beltsville Boys Club. Member, Board of Directors, Prince George's
County Boys Club. Member, Prince George's County Chamber of
Commerce; American Institute of Certified Public Accountants; Dis-
trict of Columbia Institute of Certified Public Accountants; Past
president, Takoma-Langley Kiwanis Club. Past commander, Post 37,
American Legion. Married. Member of the House of Delegates, 1963.
Died, February 28,1963.
CHESTER W. TAWNEY, Democrat, Baltimore 3rd District; born in
Havre de Grace, Harford County, July 10, 1907. Attended Havre de
Grace public schools; University of Maryland, A.B., 1930. President
of loan company. Member, Masons; Shrine. Married. Member of the
House of Delegates, 1947-55, and since 1963.
HERBERT H. TYLER, Democrat, Baltimore County; born on
Hooper's Island, Dorchester County, September 21, 1912. Attended Dor-
chester County public schools; graduate of Wesley College, Dover, Dela-
ware. Businessman. Member 15th District, Democratic Club. President,
4th Councilmanic District Democratic Club. Member, Manor Democratic
Club; Rodgers Forge Democratic Club. Past president, Triangle
Democratic Club. Member, Loch Ridge Merchants Association; Opti-
mists; Holy Name Society; Loch Raven Rod and Gun Club. Married.
Member of the House of Delegates since 1959.
C. CLIFTON VIRTS, Democrat, Frederick County; born in Lees-
burg, Virginia, March 3, 1910. Attended Leesburg public schools;
Virginia School for the Blind; University of Virginia; University of
Maryland Law School, LL.B., 1940. Admitted to the Maryland Bar,
1 Appointed to the House of Delegates, December 3, 1953, vice Carroll W.
Royston, resigned.