C. STANLEY BLAIR, Republican, Harford County; born in Kings-
ville, Baltimore County, December 20, 1927. Attended Baltimore
County public schools; University of Maryland, B.S., 1960; University
of Maryland School of Law, LL.B., 1953 Admitted to the Maryland
Bar, 1963. Served with the U. S. Maritime Service, 1945-47; U. S.
Army, 1953-56. Secretary-Treasurer, Harford County Metropolitan
Commission, 1959-62. Member, American, Maryland, and Junior Bar
Associations; Lions; Isaak Walton League; Reserve Officers Associ-
ation; Maryland Golf and Country Club. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1963.
LEONARD S. BLONDES, Democrat, Montgomery County; born in
Cleveland, Ohio, May 7, 1929. Attended Cleveland public schools;
Western Reserve University; George Washington University, B.A.,
1950; George Washington University Law School, LL.B., 1953. Ad-
mitted to the Maryland Bar, 1955. Served with the U. S. Army, 1946-
48. Member, Young Democratic Club; B'nai B'rith. Board member,
Hebrew Home for the Aged. Member, Montgomery County Jewish
Community Men's Club; Allied Civic Group; Junior Chamber of Com-
merce; Optimist Club of Silver Spring; Flyers Mill Citizens' Associ-
ation; Silver Spring Board of Trade; Nu Beta Epsilon legal fraternity;
Jewish War Veterans; Camp Echo Lake; Norbeck Country Club.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1963.
A. GORDON BOONE, Speaker, Democrat, Baltimore County; born
in Baltimore County, December 2, 1910. Attended Baltimore public
schools; Jacob Tome Institute; The Johns Hopkins University, A.B.,
1934. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1937. Served with the Amphibi-
ous Forces, U. S. Naval Reserve as Lieutenant Commander, 1942-46.
Counsel to the Baltimore County Welfare Board, 1940-42. President,
Baltimore County Bar Association, 1950-51. Unmarried. Member of
the House of Delegates since 1947. Majority Leader and Chairman,
Ways and Means Committee, 1961, 1962, 1955-62 Sessions. Speaker
and chairman of Rules Committee, 1963 Session.
FRANCIS X. BOSSLE, Democrat, Baltimore County; born in Bal-
timore, April 12, 1913. Attended Baltimore parochial schools; Loyola
College. Accountant. Served with the U. S. Army during World War
II. Member, Men's Club of St. Mark's; District Executive Committee,
First District of Baltimore County. Past president, Catonsville Lions
Club. Member of Mt. St. Joseph's College Alumni Association. Married.
Member of the House of Delegates since 1963.
ELROY G. BOYER, Democrat, Kent County; born in Baltimore,
May 5, 1920. Attended Hagerstown and Baltimore public schools;
University of Maryland; Washington College, A.B., 1942; University
of Maryland School of Law, LL.B., 1945. Admitted to the Maryland
Bar, 1945. Attorney, Towns of Rock Hall and Betterton. Past presi-
dent, Young Democrats of Maryland; Rent County Young Democrats.
Member, American and Maryland Bar Associations. President, Kent
County Bar Association. President, Chestertown Lions Club. Married.
Member of the House of Delegates since 1959. Chairman, Prison Ad-
ministration Committee, 1963 Session.
ELZA E. BRAY, Republican, Garrett County; born in Kitzmiller,
August 20, 1894. Attended Kitzmiller public schools. Life insurance
salesman. Served in World War 1. Past City Councilman, Lock Lynn
Heights. Past Chancellor Commander, Knights of Pythias Lodge No.
113. Past Commander, American Legion Post 71. Member, Garrett
County Historical Society. Married. Member of the House of Dele-
gates since 1959.