Audited Financial Statements, Development Credit Corporation
of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, April 30, 1963.
Laws of the Development Credit Corporation of Maryland, 1962.
Baltimore, 1962.
Letter to the Stockholders of the Development Credit Corporation
of Maryland, July 9, 1962. Processed.
Progress Report, Development Credit Corporation of Maryland,
Annapolis, A Genuine Colonial City.
Annual Report, 1961.
Annual Report, 1962.
The Appalachian Region: A Preliminary Analysis of Economic
and Population Trends in an Eleven State Problem Area.
May 1960. Processed.
The Case of the Lost Monument: History of the National News-
paper Hall of Fame, Gathland State Park, Frederick County,
Maryland, by Mary-Carter Roberts. Reprinted from the
Annapolis Evening Capital, June 16, 1959.
Civil War Events in Maryland. Annapolis, 1961.
Come See Us (revised).
Community Economic Inventory:
Anne Arundel County.
Calvert County.
Cecil County.
Garrett County.
Caroline County.
Charles County.
Montgomery County.
Prince George's County.
Cumberland (revised).
The Delightsome Land (reprinted from Redbook)
Directory of Maryland Manufacturers, 1963-1964.
Economic Base Study and Projections for Estimating Transpor-
tation Needs.
Economic Development Memo. Quarterly.
Fact Sheet on Appalachian Maryland: Garrett, Allegany and
Washington Counties. Prepared for the Conference on
Western Maryland Economic Problems, Woodmont Club,
Hancock, Maryland, April 24, 1961. Processed.
Great Moments in Maryland History.
The Growth Aspects and Economic and Cultural Advantages of
Science Industries, May 22, 1961. Processed.
The Growth of the National Newspaper Hall of Fame.
Industrial Financing in Maryland. Annapolis, 1961.
Industrial Financing in Maryland, revised November 1962.
Annapolis, 1962.
Inventory of Port-Oriented Land: Baltimore Region.
Living and Working in Maryland, April 6, 1961. Processed.
Market Study for a Maryland-Based Aluminum Plant.
Maryland at a Glance.
Maryland Basic Plant Location Data. June 1962.
Maryland Calendar of Events. Quarterly.