Appropriations 1961 1962
General Funds $4,671,361 $5,024,658
Staff, 1961: 963. Staff, 1962: 1026.
Bruno Radauskas, M.D., Superintendent
Catonsville 28 (Baltimore County) Telephone: Ridgeway 7-4400
The Spring Grove State Hospital established in 1797 as the Mary-
land Hospital, provides for the hospitalization of mentally ill patients
from Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and the counties of Southern
Maryland. It adopted its present name by Chapter 187, Acts of 1912.
Treatment covers a wide range of modern techniques, including indi-
vidual psychotherapy, group psychotherapy, environmental (milieu).
pharmalogical, electric shock, musical, recreational, occupational, and
physical therapy.
The budget is predicated upon a population of 2575 for the fiscal
year 1961 and 2440 for fiscal year 1962.
Appropriations 1961 1962
General Funds $4,842,905 $4,945,437
Staff, 1961: 943. Staff, 1962: 997.
Ralph H. Meng, M.D , Superintendent
Sykesville (Carroll County) Telephone: Sykesville 194
The Springfield State Hospital, established by Chapter 231, Acts of
1894, opened for patients in 1896. The hospital provides for the care
of mentally ill patients from Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and
the counties of Western Maryland, although patients from other areas
may be admitted as necessary. It is the facility for tuberculus and
psychotic epileptic patients from the entire State.
The budget is predicated upon a population of 3250 for the fiscal
years 1961 and 1962.
Appropriations 1961 1962
General Funds $5,893,623 $5,989,076
Staff, 1961: 1144. Staff, 1962: 1158.
Chairman: Lewis P. Gundry, M.D., 1962
Leo Bartelmeier, M.D., 1962; William L. Clapp, 1962; Mrs.
Roland B. Duke, 1962; John McGrath, 1962; Rowland Posey,
1962; Alfred P. Quimby, 1962.
301 W. Preston Street, Baltimore I Telephone: 837-9000
The Maryland Commission on Alcoholism, created by Chapter 37,
Acts of 1960, consists of seven members appointed by the Governor
for a one-year term. Of the seven members, one represents the East-
ern Shore; one, Southern Maryland; one, Western Maryland; and one,
Central Maryland. Three must be residents of Baltimore City. In addi-
tion, two of the members must be doctors, of whom one is a psychia-
trist; one must be a lawyer or a judge; and two must be selected
because of their personal interest in the problems of alcoholism. The
Governor designates the Chairman.