University of Maryland:
approved -.. .... 639
books audited -. . -...43
description of . . - -.--. 59-65
publications . .--. 203
representation on State agencies 36, 67,
73, 90, 91, 97, 102, 115
retirement system - -....-41, 51, 52
salaries -. - . . ...... 51
and Southern Regional Education
Board - - . ... - ... ..- ... 158
University of the State of New York .. 66
Unsatisfied Claim and Judgment Fund
Board --...- .. .... .103-04, 206
Upper Marlboro, Prince George's County,
62, 92, 97, 371, 617, 623, 634, 642
Upper Metropolitan District.... - 177-78
Upper Potomac River Commission,
Urban population;
definition - . 626
figures -.-- ... . . - -... 628
Urban renewal programs . ....214, 404
Urban Services Commission, Wicomico
County . -..... ... . ..- 385
Utilities, regulated - 124, 159
Vacation facilities - . 135
Vegetable Growers' Association,
Maryland State . .... .169, 170
Vegetables, value of product - . 17
Vending Stand, Department, Maryland
Workshop for the Blind.... - .. - - 59
Veterans, General Assembly committees
on .... ..- -- -... .. 215
Veterans Commission .... 142-43,206
Veterans of Foreign Wars - 142-43
Veterinary Medical Examiners,
State Board of - 155
Vetoes - - . - . .......35, 210, 213
Victor F. Cullen State Hospital 65
Vienna, Dorchester County 24
Villa Julie Junior College - . - 639
Visual aids, plans for. -... - ... 53
Vital records and statistics . -... 69
Vocational curricula ..-- -.....-53, 54, 58
Vocational Education, Division of, State
Department of Education - - 53,54
Vocational Rehabilitation, Division of,
State Department of Education... 54
Vocational Rehabilitation, State
Director of .... 129-30
Voter Registration Figures .... .. 439
Voting, qualifications for.... - .... 439 |
W Page
Walters Art Gallery -. 394
War Ballot Commission, State.... - 172
War Between the States, Committee
Commemorating Maryland's Role in. 161
see also Civil War Centennial
Commission, Maryland
War Memorial Commission 143
War Records Division, Maryland
Historical Society -.... 142
Warrants, land - - ... 141
Washington Cemetery Board of Trustees 173
Washington College - 300, 639, addenda
Washington County:
area ... - - 625
cities and towns-........ 624
Court terms ...--. ... .--.-- .. 620
Delegates --...„- ...--...222, 427
Democratic State Central Committee 447
election districts ... -- -.-- 638
name and origin . . - .- 618
officers, appointment of - . .. 335-38,
381n, 382n, 383n, 384n
officers listed .... 381-84
population . . .... . .... 629
Republican State Central Committee 451
seat - - .... 618
Senator .....-- . 218, 424
taxable basis .....- -.330
unit votes . .... - ...... 430
voter registration - .. -. 439
Washington County Hospital 303, 305
Washington Metropolitan Area,
passenger carrier facilities -.. . - 171
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit
Commission .. .. .... 124, 159
Washington Metropolitan Transit
District - ...... 159
Washington Monument State Park 110, 112
Washington National Pike .... 30
Washington Sanitarium and
Hospital -. 303,305
Washington Suburban Sanitary
Commission - . - 180-81,206
Washington Suburban Sanitary
District --.-- - . - 180-81
area - 17
companies, regulation - - . - 124
flood control - - . . 179-80
pollution . .... 67,115, 158, 180-81
rights -.- - . . . .... 164
study commissions . - 115, 164
supply . - - 113, 119, 179-80, 180-81
System construction . - - . - . 180
uses ... ........ -......- 164
see also Metropolitan Commis- |