Smallwood State Park 110 112
Snow Hill Worcester County,
132 618 624, 633 641
Social Security
Act 54 132
General Assembly Committee on 215
and State employees 51
Tax 42
see also Employment Security
Department of
Social Services Department of Health 69
Social Welfare, Maryland State
Conference of 131
Social Work University of Maryland
School of 61
Societies and Associations
State aid to 301
Soil conservation 62 115 16
Soil Conservation Committee
State 115 16 202
Soil Conservation District
Supervisors 115-16 338
see also officers under individual
Soil Conservation Services
see officers under individual
Soldiers' Bonus Bill 210
Somerset County
area 625
cities and towns 624
Court terms 620
Delegates 221,427
Democratic State Central Committee 446
election districts 638
License Commissioners
Board of 40 379
name and origin 617
officers, appointment of 335-38 379n
officers listed 378 80
population 629
Republican State Central Committee 450
seat 617
Senator 218,424
taxable basis 330
unit votes 430
voter registration 439
South Baltimore General Hospital 302 304
South Mountain, Battle of 27 173
Southern Economic Region 136
Southern Maryland
Development Credit Corporation 135
Economic Development Commission
members 134
mental hospital for 77
plumbing board members 140
police barracks 96
State Roads Commission members 98 |
Southern Maryland Correctional Camp,
Hughesville 89
Southern Regional Advisory Council
on Nuclear Energy 170
Southern Regional Education Board 158
Soybeans value of product 17
Spanish-American War 28
Spanish American War Veterans 143
Speaker House of Delegates
appointments 136 162
historical list of 590
ex officio memberships
141 155 172 211
Special Fund Agencies 118
Spring Grove State Hospital 74 77,90
Springfield State Hospital 74 77,90
Stage Development Plan 120
Standard Salary Board
State Employees 42 50-51
Star Spangled Banner ' 25
Star-Spangled Banner Flag House
Association 301
State Agencies
accounts audited 42
appropriations, 1961 288
appropriations, 1962 292
capital improvements 116
counsel 45
description of 35-173
disbursements 272
employees 41,48 53
land transfers 38
leases 44
Legislature's power to create 210
property 322-30
publications 48, 139, 140 185-206
purchases 45
receipts 256-272
regulations 38
State aid
hospitals 302,304
schools and colleges 300-01
societies and associations 300
welfare institutions 301
State Aid and Charities, Board of 78
State Board Test Pool Licensing
Examinations 150
State Central Committees
Democratic 443-47
Republican 447-51
State Development Plan 118
State House, Annapolis 25, 117
State Library, Maryland 139, 202
State Office Building, Annapolis 30,117
State Office Building, Baltimore 31, 117-18
State Reporter 251
State Securities Act 47
State Use Industries program 86, 87, 88. 89 |