Municipal Museum of the City of
Baltimore . .. . - .... .. 394
Municipal Technical Advisory Service,
University of Maryland -.-- -.. 205
Mutual savings institutions, supervision
over ........ --.... .. 121
National Association of Chiropodists 145
National Board of Medical Examiners 149
National Committeemen;
Democratic .... -. -. .--„-. 445
Republican ..... ......... . . ... - 447
National Committeewomen:
Democratic -... . - ....... 445
Republican . - . -. -.. 447
National Conference of Commissioners
on Uniform State Laws...... 156
National Council for the Accreditation
of Teacher Education -... . - 57
National Council of Physical Fitness 166
National Council of State Boards of
Engineering Examiners -...... .- 153
National Defense Act (U. S.) --.- - 92
National Guard, Maryland ... - - . . - 92-95
National League for Nursing 150
Natural gas, value of ... .... 18
Natural Resources, Board of.--. 105-07
Natural Resources Institute, University
of Maryland - - 64,105,115
Naval Academy, U. S. . . -..- .-26, 28
blind and deaf .... 270
child welfare aid - . 306
colonials .-- ..- --23
employment . - - . - - 131
mental hospitals -... - . - 75
race relations -.- - ...- 84-85
slavery - . .-- - . . - 23,27
Training Schools ......- 80, 82
Negro Population, Governor's Commission
on Problems Affecting .. -..-- 85
Ner Israel Rabbinical College.. 639
New Germany Forestry Camp- - 31
New Germany Recreation area 111
New York, N. Y. -.- . . - 133
Newburg, Charles County .--..- 101
Newsboys, licensing of- - 127
Newspapers, list of - - . 640-42
Newsreels .....- ....-- 125
North East Barrack, Maryland State
Police ........- ... . 97
North Point, Battle of-. -.- . 25
Notary Public appointments - 35
Nuclear Energy, Governor's
Committee on 170
Nursery, State Tree .-- . 111
Nursery Inspection - - . 63 |
Nurses, State Board of Examiners of 150. 197
Nurses Association, State -- 73,150
Nursing, National League for 150
home licensing 70
Public Health - .- 69
training - - ......56,61,150
University of Maryland School of - 61
Nutrition Services, Department of Health 193
Oak Wilt Eradication Program - 63
Oakland, Garrett County .-62, 95, 132,
Occupational Diseases, Medical Board for 129
Occupational Safety Law . ... -.-- 127
Officers, State;
appointed -. - . 36
historical list .... - 577-611
see also under State agencies
Oil and gas resources . 114
Old age assistance . . . . .... - 78
Old Point Correctional Camp, Chester.. 89
Old Treasury Building, Annapolis 117
Older workers, unemployment - addenda
Open-pit mining operations . - 114
Open spaces:
Bill .... - .. 212
studies - - .- . 119, 120
Optometric Association, American . - 151
Optometric Association, Maryland -. 151
Optometrists, Maryland Association of... 151
Optometry, Board of Examiners in... 151
Optometry, International Association of
Boards of Examiners in . .... - 151
Orphans' Court;
Days ..- -..618-20
Judges . .... -.-- 335
see also officers under
individual counties
Osteopathic Association, Maryland - - 151
Owings Mills, Baltimore County - 76
Oyster Police - . -. . -- 106
conservation - 106,107
value of catch -..- . - 17
Paintings, preservation of- -...... 117
Pardon, power of.. .-, -. - - .. 36
Park and Planning Commission, Mary-
land-National Capital 177-78,195-96
Parking areas. State Office Building,
Baltimore ...- -...--. -118
Maryland-Washington Metropolitan
District - -- ...- 177-78 |