To carry out these duties, the Department is organized into an
executive office and six bureaus.
Executive Office
The Executive Office includes the offices of the Commissioner and the
Deputy Commissioner together with the following specialized staff
services: Office of Planning and Research, including the keeping of
vital records and. statistics, Social Services, Legal Services, Civil
Defense Medical Services, Public Health, Nursing, Public Health
Education, and Local Health Services.
Local Health Services make public health service available to
residents of Maryland through the twenty-four local health depart-
ments. These local health officers with their staffs of nurses, sanitari-
ans, and others are the backbone of public health services in Mary-
land. These local units operate the public health programs in each
county and Baltimore City, including public health nursing, pre- and
post-hospitalization services, sanitation, mental health, dental health,
maternal and child health, tuberculosis, venereal, and other communi-
cable disease control, services for crippled children, and medical care
for the indigent and medically indigent including the aged. The State
Department of Health is responsible for providing consultatory serv-
ices for local health work.
Bureau of Management
The Bureau of Management has the responsibility of providing the
day-to-day personnel, payroll, accounting, budgeting, transportation,
and other administrative services.
Bureau of Preventive Medicine
The Bureau of Preventive Medicine provides for technical and
professional assistance to other subdivisions of the State Health
Department, especially local health departments, and other agencies,
groups, and institutions in the State engaged in the broad field of
promotion of health and prevention of illness and disability.
Bureau of Laboratories
The Bureau of Laboratories has broad responsibilities to make a
wide variety of laboratory tests to assist physicians and health offi-
cials in the diagnosis, prevention, and control of human diseases; to
make examinations in connection with the enforcement of pure food
and drug laws; and to establish minimum standards and qualifications
for those making laboratory tests in connection with diagnosis and
control of human diseases. It has further responsibility under Article
101 to make necessary laboratory tests in connection with the occu-
pational health programs of the Department.
The Bureau has branch laboratories at Annapolis, Cambridge,
Cheverly, Cumberland, Easton, Elkton, Frederick, Rockville and Salis-
Bureau of Tuberculosis
The Bureau of Tuberculosis administers the four tuberculosis hos-
pitals and the State's program for the early detection, diagnosis,
treatment, and rehabilitation of persons with tuberculosis. This pro-
gram attempts to prevent the spread of tuberculosis from active