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Maryland Manual, 1961-62
Volume 169, Page 655   View pdf image (33K)
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Cook, Edna P 161, 221, 230, 427
Cook, Howard Lee, Jr 368
Cook, John Paul 353
Cook, Noel Speir 219, 231, 425
Cookerly, Ernest S 366
Cooksey, John S 354, 355
Cooksey, R Vernon 426
Cooley, Amos H 361
Cooley. H P 623
Cooney, John A, Jr - 39
Cooper, J Purley 179
Cooper, James K 349
Cooper, Mrs James K 349
Cooper, Levin T 386
Cooper, Paul D 387
Cooper, Richard W 113
Copley, Lionel 579
Copley, Thomas 21
Coppage, BenJamin L 374
Coppin, Fannie Jackson 56
Corcoran, Edward S 133
Cord, Richard J 373
Corddry, Howard 300
Corddry, Kathryn J 386
Corderman, John E 383, 447
Corkran, Clarence H , Jr 155, 220 231, 426
Corkran, 0 W 357
Corkran, William 0 357
Corliss, Frank R, Jr 361
Cormeny, Alvin E. 59
Corner, Mrs Henry E 84
Cornish, Charles 95
Cornish, Howard L 83
Cornish, James E 449
Cornwaleys, Thomas 577
Corr, Reade W 366
Corrigan, William P 219, 231, 425
Cosden, Jeremiah 606
Coss, Charles W,
161, 168, 215, 222, 231, 245, 427
Cottman, James A 379
Cottman, Joseph S 607
Coulter, John 596
Courtney, Leo A , Jr 48
Cousins, James R, Jr 623
Covington, George W 608
Covington, J Harry 609
Covington, Leonard 605
Cowen, John K 608
Cox, Charles H 209
Cox, Christopher C 590
Cox, James P 373
Cox, Louise 354,355
Cox, Nathaniel 587
Cox, Wilfred .. 349
Crabb, Jeremiah 605
Cralk, William 605
Cram, Peter Wood 593
Cramer, William F Jr 426

Cramphin, Thomas 597
Crane, Charles P 135,167 393
Cranford, Jean 347
Crawford, Fielder 107
Crawford, Francis J 351
Creager, William S 363
Creighton, C Calvert 356
Creighton, George, Sr 171
Cresap, Thomas 23
Creswell, John A J 599, 607, 611
Crew, Julian 366
Crisfield, John W 607
Crist, Howard G, Jr 450
Crist Mrs Howard G , Jr 364
Croeker. John M 343
Crocker, Mrs John M 345
Croll, Paul A 64, 444
Cromwell, George T 340
Cromwell, Nathan 597
Cromwell, Oliver 22
Cromwell, Roland W 364
Cromwell, Stephen C 130, 169, addenda
Cronin, L Eugene 59, 105, 115, 157
Cronin, N Paul 361
Cronin, Mrs Wilmer J 53
Cropper, Calvin H 160
Cropper, Hugh Thomas, Jr 447,624
Cropper, Reese F 136
Cropper, Sidney L 388
Crosson, lrvin 624
Crothers, Austin L 583
Crothers, Edmund W 426
Crowe, Edward L, Jr 445
Crowe, Edward T, Jr 360
Crowe, Philip K 381
Crowl, Philip A 596n
Crowley, Charles E 346
Crowther, Lester H 128
Crum, John M 137
Crum, Thomas J 359
Crump, Mane E 443, 446
Cryer, Thomas L 377
Culbertson, William J addenda
Culbreth, Thomas 587,606
Cullen, James K 253, 389
Cullen, Madelyn C 446
Cullen, Richard E 384
Culotta, Samuel A 424
Culver, Charles F 165 220 231 426
Cummings. Harry B 160
Cummings. James E 622
Cummings, William D 446
Cunningham, Russell W 159
Curlett, John N 162, 391
Curlett, Royden 375
Curlin, Leonard W 82
Curran, David L 81
Curran, J Joseph, Jr 219,231 425
Curran, James W 86

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Maryland Manual, 1961-62
Volume 169, Page 655   View pdf image (33K)
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