Worcester County—Samuel Handy, Peter Chaille, Smith Bishop, Josiah
Frederick County—Lower District: Thomas Sprigg Wootton, Jonathan
Wilson, William Bayly, Jr., Elisha Williams.
Frederick County—Middle District: Adam Fischer, Upton Sheredine,
Christopher Edelen, David Shriver,
Frederick County—Upper District: Samuel Beall, Samuel Hughes,
John Stull, Henry Schnebly.
Caroline County—Nathaniel Potter, William Richardson,(1) Richard
Mason, Henry Dickinson, Thomas Johnson.(2)
Harford County—Jacob Bond, Henry Wilson, Jr., John Love, John
Baltimore Town—John Smith, Jeremiah Townley Chase.
Annapolis—William Paca, Charles Carroll of Carrollton
Elected Under the Constitution of 1776 by the Legislature
for One Year
Thomas Johnson Calvert County 1777
Thomas Sim Lee Prince George's County 1779
William Paca Queen Anne's County 1782
William Smallwood Kent County 1785
John Eager Howard Baltimore County 1788
George Plater St. Mary's County 1791
James Brice(3) Anne Arundel County 1792
Thomas Sim Lee Prince George's County 1792
John H. Stone Charles County 1794
John Henry Dorchester County 1797
Benjamin Ogle Anne Arundel County 1798
John Francis Mercer Anne Arundel County 1801
Robert Bowie Prince George's County 1803
Robert Wright Queen Anne's County 1806
James Butcher(4) Queen Anne's County 1809
Edward Lloyd Talbot County 1809
Robert Bowie Prince George's County 1811
Levin Winder Somerset County 1812
Charles Ridgely of Hampton Baltimore County 1816
Charles Goldsborough Dorchester County 1819
Samuel Sprigg Prince George's County 1819
Samuel Stevens, Jr. Talbot County 1822
Joseph Kent Calvert County 1826
Daniel Martin Talbot County 1829
Thomas King Carroll Somerset County 1830
Daniel Martin Talbot County 1831
George Howard(5) Baltimore County 1831
James Thomas St. Mary's County 1833
Thomas W. Veazey Cecil County 183<;
1Elected Colonel of Battalion from Eastern Shore for flying camp August 16 1776.
and thereby vacated his seat
2 Elected August 30, 1776.
3 Became Governor upon the death of Governor Plater, February 1792
4 Governor for one month, May - June 1809, following the resignation of Governor
Wright and before the convening of a special session of the Legislature
5 Became Governor on the death of Governor Martin, July 1831,