Art. Sec.
Redevelopment Commission, Baltimore .................. 11B 1-3
Referendum, ballots—form ............................ 16 5
Emergency laws—effect of........................ 16 2
Laws to be submitted separately. ................... 16 5
Petition—form; verification ....................... 16 4
Number of signers necessary. .................. 16 3
When to file; effect........................... 16 2,3
Power of, reserved to people....................... 16 1
Soldiers' Bonus ................................. 3 34
Text of measure to be furnished to voters........... 16 5
What laws may not be submitted to................. l6 6
Refunds not to be made by special act.................. 3 33
Register of Wills, election—returns, certification. ......... 4 11,12
Election—term, duties, vacancy .................... 4 41
Fees: compensation .............................. 3 45
Term of office .................................. 17 3
Registration (See Elections) ..........................
Religious freedom .........................*.......... 36
Religious tests ...................................... 36,37
Reports of the Court of Appeals........................ 4 16
Reserved Powers Doctrine ............................. 2
Residence requirements for voting...................... 1 1, 1A
Roads, condemnation of property for.................... 3 40B
St. Mary's County, internal improvements in............. 3 34
Salaries, limitation on................................ 15 1
Salary of public officers............................... 3 35, 35A
Salisbury, County seat of Wicomico County.............. 13 2
Sanction of Bequests ................................. 38
Seal of the State (See Great Seal)...................... 38
Search Warrants ..................................... 26
Secretary of State (See Executive; Governor) ............
Appointment, salary .............................. 2 23
Duties ......................................... 2 23
Election returns for Governor sent to................ 2 2
Laws referred to referendum by.................... 16 2,3,5
Legislature convened by.......................... 2 7
Self incrimination, Bribery cases ...................... 3 50
Rule against .................................... 22
Senate (See Legislature) .............................
Separation of Powers ................................ 8
Sheriffs, elections—qualifications, term. bond, salary, fees. * 4 44
Elections—to give notice of........................ 15 8
Somerset and Worcester Counties—notice of election.. 13 4
Slavery not to be re-established........................ 24
Slaves, payment for .................................. 3 37
Soldiers, punishable by martial law..................... 32
Quartered in houses ............................. 31
Soldiers' Bonus ..................................... 3 34
Somerset County, Wicomico County to be formed from. . . . 13 2-5
Sovereignty of State .................................. 4
Speaker of House (See Legislature—House of Delegates). .
Speech, freedom of ................................... 10, 40
Standing armies consent to............................ 29
State Central Committee, nomination for vacancy in Legis-
lature ........................................ 3 13
State Comptroller, accounts of officers to be inspected by. . . 15 1
Attorney General—to write opinions for. ............. 5 3
Board of Public Works—member, ................... 12 1
Charges against; hearing ......................... 6 6
Commissioner of the Land Office—report to.......... 7 4
Duties ......................................... 6 2
Election, term, salary, office, vacancy................ 6 1,5
Governor to examine accounts. ..................... 2 18
Treasurer's accounts rendered to; inspections........ 6 4
State Librarian, office abolished........................ 7 3
Term of office .................................. 15 9
State Pension Commissioner abolished................... 3 59