Where no section numbers are given, the references are to Articles in the
Declaration of Bights
Art. Sen.
Absentee voting ................••••.•••••••••••••••• 1 1A
Acts (See Governor—Veto) ......,..,....••...•.•••••••
Acts of Assembly in Force ................,..••..•••••• 5
Adjournment of Legislature............................ 3 25
Adjutant General, appointment, duties, etc............... 9 2
Advertisements, internal improvements—county assistance.. 3 54
Affirmations (See Oaths of office) ......................
Alcoholic Beverages, local option laws not subject to ref-
erendum ............,...........•....•..•.•••• l6 6
Allegany County, Circuit Court Judges—number.......... 4 21
Amendments to Constitution, convention for altering—vote of
people as to.. .......... ...... ................. 14 2
Amendments to Constitution proposed by Legislature, pub-
lication, adoption, proclamation, etc............... 14 1
Annapolis, Adjutant General to be at..... ............... 9 2
Court of Appeals to meet at.............. .......... 4 14
Governor to reside at............................. 2 21
Legislature may meet elsewhere during emergency.... 2 16
Legislature to meet in............................ 11
State Comptroller and Treasurer to keep offices at. . . . 6 1
Appellate Judicial Circuits ............................ 4 14
Appointments, Governor and Senate to make............. 2 10-14
Appropriations, bills for............................... 3 32
How to make ................................... 3 52
Restriction as to referendum...................... 16 2
Armies, standing .................................... 29 •
Assessments, how made, on land....,....,..,,.....,.,.. 15
Attainder, laws of................................... 18
Attorney General, Clerk of Court of Appeals and Commis-
sioner of Laud Office to notify as to cases. ......... 5 6
Duties, compensation, additional counsel. ............. 5 3
Election, term, removal .......................... 5 1,2
Qualifications for ................................ 5 4
State's Attorneys—recommends removal of........... 5 7
Term of office .................................. 17 3
Vacancy filled by Governor. ....................... 5 6
Attorney (State's)—(See State's Attorney) ..............
Bail, excessive, not to be required. ..................... 25 ,
Ballots, elections to be by............................ 1 1
Baltimore City, charter provisions as to Mayor and Council
Condemnation of property in....................... 3 40A
Constables—appointment .......................... 4 42,43
Constables and clerks in People's Court. ,...,....,.,, 4 41A
Home rule (See Home Rule) .......................
Legislative districts of.......................... 3 2, 4
Mayor and City Council........................... 11 1-9
Municipal Court ................................ 4 41C
Off-.street parking ............................... 11C 1, 2
Officers, salary not to be changed during term........ 3 35
People's Court (See Courts)......................
Port Development ................................ 11D 1- 3
Redevelopment Commission (See Baltimore Redevelop-.
ment Commission) .............................
Sheriff, election, powers, etc........................ 4 44
State's Attorney, Deputy, etc....................... 5 9
Supreme Bench (See Courts) ......................
Baltimore County, Circuit Court Judges—number. ....,.,.. 4 21
Baltimore Redevelopment Commission, authorized creation
powers, etc. ................................... 11B 1-3
Banks, books, etc., to be open for inspection .............. 3 39